Page 90 of Her Best Men

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“Sounds like everyone’s havin’ that kinda day. Mind if I sit?”

“Never. Come on,” she said.

I sat next to Katie against the wall and leaned my head back. She was sighing in her chair as her body slid lower into her seat. Her legs were stretched out, and she yawned. There wasn’t a movement she was making that didn’t have me wanting to touch her some more.

Then, she reached out and grabbed my hand.

“You’ve always been so warm,” Katie said.

“Comes with all this muscle,” I winked.

She smiled at me as she looked over at me. Our eyes connected, and for a brief moment, I let myself swim in them. She squeezed my hand, and I moved my foot over to hers. She slipped her leg underneath mine like she was trying to seek shelter for her weary body. I could see the exhaustion in her eyes. I could feel how weak her grip was. I had no idea what was weighing on that mind of hers, but I wanted her to get it off her chest.

She beat me to the punch.

“Wyatt told me about the meeting,” Katie said.

I nodded before I brought her fingers to my lips to kiss.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“Why did you guys do that without me?” she asked. Why did you think you could discuss my life without including me?”

“We were only tryin’ to get to the bottom of our feelin’s before we brought you into the mix. We figured the four of us bein’ on the same page would make it easier on you when we all sat down and talked shit out,” I said.

“What does that mean? What feelings?” she asked.

“You that blind?” I asked with a grin.

“Treat me as if I am,” she said.

“We’re all in love with you, Katie. Every single one of us.”

Katie leaned forward, her body springing to life as the stress seemed to melt from her system. Her hands slid around my neck, drawing me close as our lips collided. I was shocked at the energy that poured from her body. It was like she was waiting for that damn admission to come along.

I slid my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap. She collapsed into me, her lips swelling underneath my ministrations. I raked my tongue against the roof of her mouth, and she moaned, causing my cock to lurch to life.

I broke the kiss, afraid I wouldn’t be able to contain myself if it went on any longer.

“I love you, too, Andrew,” Katie said. “But I love Caleb and Dylan and Wyatt, too.”

“I figured as much,” I said.

“I can’t choose just one of you,” she said. “Not when—”

I rubbed her back as I watched her struggle for her words. She needed time to collect herself. That spark of energy that ignited inside of her was gone, and that tired little girl was slowly starting to emerge again.

It made me sick to watch her go through all these heavy emotions.

“What you say ain’t gonna change nothin’,” I said. “Take your time.”

“I’ve been in love with all of you for so long,” Katie admitted breathlessly.

I furrowed my brow as she drew in a deep breath.

“Remember the first time Hunter brought all of you guys home to play at our house?” she asked.

“Yeah. You were like six or seven, right?” I asked.
