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Whips of varying sizes, a blindfold that loo

ked to be made of silk, at least a dozen dildos, all various shapes and sizes, and a strap-on all lay on the bedside table. I took everything in, my eyes growing wide with wonder and shock, feeling very much like a clueless child who knew nothing about sex and all that it entailed.

I was feeling like every bit the inexperienced virgin I was.

“Don't worry, my pet,” Gavin said, standing in front of me, a lascivious smile on his lips as he took my hands in his, “We'll start slow. There's nothing to be afraid of.”

I somehow managed to swallow down my fears and let him lead me deeper into his suite, following him over to the bed.

The elevator doors chimed softly and closed, sealing me into the room with him. I glanced backward at the doors, part of me wanting to flee Gavin's sex dungeon before things went too far. My mind screamed for me to run and yet, my body seemed to betray me. My body ached with a need I couldn't explain. A need I couldn't even begin to understand.

My insides were tight, and my head was swimming. My vision seemed to be wavering, and my heart was thundering within my breast. Though there was a streak of fear shooting through me, I still yearned to have something to fill me up from the inside. Something to fill the very hole that had remained untouched for far too long.

However, all of this—the oils and dildos, the whips and blindfolds—it all felt like too much. Too much, and it was all happening too fast. How had I gone from a virgin to a woman standing in the middle of a sex dungeon with a man promising to fuck me senseless?

I wasn't sure I could handle it myself, let alone give Gavin what he expected. What he wanted. Lila probably could do it. Hell, I was sure she could. But me? I had no idea how to use any of the toys on display—minus the dildo, of course. I'd had some experience with a dildo, but not with one anywhere nearly as large as the ones all lined up on the table.

“Sit,” Gavin said, motioning to the bed.

I did as he instructed and sat.

He stood in front of me, gently stroking my hair, looking down and just staring into my eyes. His dark, smoldering eyes felt like black holes, like a person could get pulled in by the gravity and find themselves lost within them. He exuded a rugged, manly presence, and yet, Gavin's hands were soft and gentle, as he slipped them through my hair. He worked his hands all the way down to my chin, lifting my face up to his. He stared into my eyes for a moment longer and then leaned down, pressing his lips to mine.

Every time his tongue entered my mouth, I found it hard to breathe. He literally sucked all the air right out of me. His kisses made me feel lightheaded and disoriented. And yet, I loved every moment of them. The way he kissed and touched me, made it seem like I needed nothing in the world but him and his lips. Gavin slipped his hands down lower, spreading my knees apart, centering himself between them. I glanced down and saw his erection, straining against his jeans and couldn't stop my eyes from growing wide. I couldn't believe how large he was and wondered if he'd be able to fit inside me. More than that, even if he could fit, I worried that it might hurt

Gavin caught me staring, and with a sultry little smile, he reached down and removed his belt. He tossed it to the side of the room and then his hands moved to his zipper. The world seemed to slow down around me as I took it all in. Usually, when I was with a man and at the point we were at right then, I'd run for the hills. I could never manage to let myself get further than that point. I'd never seen a penis before in my life, because I always stopped what was happening and left before the pants came off.

Gavin slowly and deliberately unzipped his pants, sliding them down over his hips agonizingly slowly and gracefully. His boxers were still covering his erection, but it's not like they were hiding anything. With the thinner fabric of his boxers, I could very clearly make out the outline of him and gasped. This much closer to his flesh, without his jeans covering him, he looked even larger than before.

I waited, with bated breath, for him to remove the boxers and let me see him fully exposed, but Gavin lifted my face and forced me to stare in his eyes instead. I gazed into the dark vortex of his eyes and bit my bottom lip, my pulse racing and my heart thundering so hard, I was sure he could hear it.

“Remove my boxers,” he said.

He wanted me to remove them. Me! He was making it clear that if I wanted to see him, I had to be the one to make that move. I had to take that next step on my own. Lifting my hands up, I quickly put them back down again, my heart hammering inside me. Although I wanted to—I really wanted to see him fully exposed—I couldn't bring myself to actually reach up and remove his boxers. Not at first. Gavin dropped my chin and made a soft tsk-ing noise.

“Do you want to see it or not, Josie?” he quipped.

“I—I do,” I whispered, my voice thick and my throat dry.

Gavin reached for my hands, taking them in his and placed them on his hips, right at the waistband of his boxers. That was obviously his way of meeting me halfway. The rest of the journey would be up to me.

“Pull them down,” he said, his voice commanding and deep. “Now.”

The tone of his voice was direct and stern. It wasn't a suggestion or a request. No, it was an order. And without thinking about it, I did exactly as he said. With one swift motion, I pulled his boxers down to the middle of his thighs, letting his erection spring forth like a jack-in-the-box of pure pleasure. I gazed at it with wide eyes, and I found it hard to breathe. Gavin's cock was hard and thick—and oh so long.

I was still gripping the waistband of his boxers, as motionless as a statue. It was almost like I was afraid to move as I sat there staring at his cock. I had no idea what to do as I sat there admiring the straightness and girth of it—and, of course, imagining what it would feel like nestled inside me.

“Good girl,” Gavin said. “See? That wasn't so tough now, was it?”

Easy for him to say. But as he stroked my cheek, I leaned into his touch and felt myself relax—a little bit, anyway.

“Now,” he said, “let's see what you have under that dress.”

With my heart pounding and my body trembling, Gavin reached down and grabbed the bottom of my dress. With slow, gentle hands, he lifted it up. I raised my arms, giving him permission to take the dress off my body. He slipped it off over my head and tossed it aside, my dress landing next to his belt on the floor.

Then I was sitting there, in nothing but a bra and my panties. My cheeks flared with heat, and I couldn't bring myself to look at him. I was so afraid to see the disappointment or disgust in his eyes I feared would be there. Although I had a nice rack, I felt like I was far less attractive than his usual fare. Again, Gavin reached for my face, turning it up and forcing me to look at him.

At first I closed my eyes, not able to meet his, and had to remind myself to breathe. Trying to get myself under control, I focused on the scent of the candles. There was a jasmine scent mixed with something muskier—sandalwood, perhaps?

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