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“It’s hard to admit, but I’m scared,” he said. He sighed and sat up, his eyes meeting mine.

“You won’t hurt me,” I said. “And right now all I want is to be distracted.”

Caleb kissed my lips, and this time, he kissed me roughly. I tangled my fingers in his hair and held him there, our tongues lashing against each other. My juices flowed between my legs as he rubbed his hips against mine. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him close, shoving my wet pussy against his cock.

He groaned and sat up, rolling me onto my side and lying down behind me. His hands roamed freely over my body while he positioned himself at my entrance. He lifted my top leg and threw it over him. In one motion, he was inside of me.

“God,” I muttered. “I needed this.”

“Me too,” Caleb grunted and thrust his hips harder.

I craned my neck around to kiss him while he gripped my tits in his hand. He squeezed and thrust inside of me, rotating his hips just right to hit the perfect spot. His fingers slid down my stomach to my clit.

“Oh my God,” I breathed as he slowly circled my clit.

“You feel incredible,” he said. His voice was rough, deeper than I’d ever heard it.

I pushed my ass back against him while he took me hard and slow. He wasn’t in a rush. I could tell from the way he moved that he was still afraid to hurt me, but his thrusts were deep and insistent. They sent waves of pleasure washing over my body and soon, I was bordering on the edge of an amazing orgasm.

“I’m so close,” I said. “D

on’t stop.”


Caleb pushed himself harder inside of me, his fingers speeding up over my clit. I moaned and gasped, feeling every inch of him. I reached up to wrap my arm around his neck while he kissed my shoulder.

Our bodies melted together. I came slowly, the orgasm building more and more with each thrust. Caleb groaned when he felt my pussy tighten around him, and he moved even slower, dragging out my pleasure until I couldn’t breathe.

His own release came soon after, leaving him panting and sweaty. We stayed frozen in that position, neither of us ready to move.

When we finally did, Caleb didn’t let me go far. He rolled onto his back and held me against his chest, placing gentle kisses along my hairline.

“We’re going to get through this,” he said softly. “You’re going to get better.”

His confidence was enough to keep me happy through the night, but deep down, I was scared he was wrong.


My next PT session felt more like a workout than physical therapy. Tara ran me through the usual paces: stretches, walking, and weights. She pushed me harder this time, making me extend my leg further and lift heavier weights. I loved it. For the first time since the fire, I felt like myself again. I felt strong.

“I think you’ll be done soon,” Tara said. “Dr. McGee and I have been talking. We’re in agreement that your progress is amazing.”

“I’m kicking ass,” I said, grinning.

“You’re doing well,” she said firmly.

“Just say it.” I teased. “Just once.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine,” she said. “You’re kicking ass.”

“That’s right!” I cheered. “God, it feels so fucking good to walk without those damn crutches. I can’t even tell you how much I hated them.”

“I know.” Tara laughed. “You never shut up about it.”

I walked over to my usual chair and sat down. As I toweled off my face, Tara stood beside me and looked around the room. Her next patient would be there soon, and I knew she didn’t want anyone to see us together. But as I stared at her body, I couldn’t control myself.

“Come here,” I said, my voice low and husky. I pulled her into my lap and claimed her lips for a kiss. She pulled away quickly, her eyes darting from side to side. “No one’s here. Relax.”
