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The music began to play inside the church, and I felt my stomach clench. Stephanie stepped out in front of the doors and waited for her cue while my father and I lined up behind her.

“How are you feeling?” he asked softly. “Any weakness?”

“No.” I shook my head. “I feel amazing.”

He smiled and kissed my cheek. His eyes were full of tears as he turned to face me.

“Watching you go through chemo has been so hard,” he said. “I’ve never been so proud of you.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” I said, my voice weak.

“And the way Caleb took care of you.” He paused. “I can’t imagine a better man for you. He was everything you needed. I know now that I was wrong about him and about your relationship. He’s perfect for you.”

“I know,” I said. Dad smiled and kissed my cheek again. The music was slowly approaching our cue so we took a couple steps forward and waited.

I wrapped my hand around my dad’s arm and felt butterflies rise in my stomach. When it was time to walk, I felt like I was floating. My head felt light, and my feet barely touched the ground.

When I saw Caleb standing at the end of the aisle, I couldn’t wait another second. My dad had to hold me back so I wouldn’t run forward. The music was impossibly slow, and the entire walk down the aisle was torturous. I just wanted to get to Caleb’s arms.

“Take care of her, kid,” Dad said as he placed my hand in Caleb’s.

“Always,” Caleb said.

Dad smiled and walked down to sit beside Cathy. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, and they both smiled up at us.

Turning to face Caleb, I felt happier than I’d ever been.


The reception was a blur of music and laughter. Caleb’s firemen buddies kept everyone entertained well into the night. Stephanie snuck off with Tyler sometime after we cut the cake, and Dad and Cathy were both so happy they couldn’t sit still. They never left the dance floor, whirling each other around like two teenagers in love.

I only had eyes for Caleb. We went through the traditional dances and toasts. We cut the cake and danced some more. By the time the night was over, I was exhausted and ready to be alone with my new husband.

“Will you be upset if I tear that dress off you?” Caleb asked, whispering in my ear while we waited for the limo to pull up.

“I’d be upset if you didn’t,” I said with a mischievous glint in my eyes.

Caleb grinned down at me just as the limo pulled up. All our guests lined up outside to blow bubbles on us as we ran toward the car. I laughed as Caleb threw open the door and practically shoved me inside.

We barely got the door closed before his lips were on mine. I melted into him, losing myself in the feel of his lips and the taste of his tongue. We could barely wait to tear into each other.

“Are you feeling okay?” Caleb asked, suddenly pulling away. “Are you tired?”

“I’m all right,” I said. “Better than fine. I’m so happy.”

“Are you sure? I don’t want you to exhaust yourself.”

“That’s what wedding nights are for,” I said with a grin.

“I’m serious, Tara.” His eyes were dark. I sighed and kissed him softly.

“I feel great,” I said. “I’m a little tired, but it’s not chemo related.”

“Okay,” he said. Relief flooded his features, and he claimed my lips again.

With my chemo schedule, we couldn’t take a honeymoon anytime soon. Caleb wanted to plan something far away and exotic, but Dr. Young said no. She wanted me to stay in town until my therapies were completely over. If something happened, I needed to have access to my doctors immediately.

We were both upset, but Caleb didn’t want to risk anything that might hurt me. Instead, he reserved the honeymoon suite at a hotel downtown. We would have the entire place to ourselves for four days. I was so excited that I was shaking by the time the limo pulled up outside the hotel.
