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“Because you're a good man, Quinn,” I said. “Do you honestly think either Cason or I would go out of our way to hurt her?”

Quinn shook his head. “Nah, I know you wouldn't. It's just – she's different for me, man.”

“How so?”

My brother stared off into the distance for a while before shaking his head again.

“Nothing,” he said. “Forget I said anything.”


Ada Roberts laughed when she opened the door and saw me standing on her porch out front. She just looked at me and shook her head, a smile on her face.

“Bennett McCormick,” she said. “What in heaven's name are you doing here?”

“I'm here to see Hailey,” I said. “We have a date tonight.”

Mrs. Roberts raised an eyebrow as she looked at me. “Alright then,” she said. “Though I don't think Hailey is ready. Want to come in for a minute?”

“Sure thing, thank you,” I said, stepping into their home. “I don't mind waiting.”

“Uh huh,” she said, giving me a long, curious look. “Well, let me go talk to Hailey and let her know you're here. I'll be right back. Please, make yourself at home.”

As she walked away, I sat down in an arm chair facing the stairway, and listened as Mrs. Roberts' footsteps echoed up them and then above me.

“Hailey?” her voice echoed down the hallway. “You have a visitor. Another one of the McCormick boys.”

I heard the door open, creaking on the hinges, but that was the last thing I was able to make out. Their voices lowered to a mumble, distorting their words. After a couple of minutes, I heard the sound of footsteps coming back down the hall toward me. Only one pair of footsteps, I noted.

Mrs. Roberts looked at me and shook her head, “She's busy tonight, Bennett,” she said. “I'm really sorry you drove all this way and dressed up for nothing.”

Most men might give up after hearing that – but I wasn't most men. It was going to take a little more than that to throw me off. I was a man on a mission.

“Do you think I could speak with her?” I asked. “Just for a moment?”

“I'm afraid –” she'd started to stay, but then the doorbell rang, cutting us off. She shook her head and grinned, “I swear, if this is one of your other brothers...”

She was laughing all the way to the door, and for a moment, I feared it might actually be Quinn or Cason, trying to get in the way of my night with Hailey. I wouldn't put that level of cockblocking past either of them. I cleared my throat and clenched my jaw as I readied myself for competition, just in case.

I followed Hailey's mother to the doorway, staying a couple of steps behind, but when she opened the door, it wasn't one of my brother's standing there. Instead of one of the brothers McCormick, it was a large, well-dressed man with jet black hair and steely gray eyes.

Definitely not someone from around here, and not someone Mrs. Roberts recognized either. Judging by the look on her face, I could tell she was as confused as I was about the stranger on her doorstep. The larger man, without a word, pushed his way into the house, running a hand through his hair as he looked around.

“Where's Hailey? I know she's here, I need to speak to her,” he said.

He paced the living room, talking really fast. And as he walked back and forth in front of me, I gave the guy a once-over - leather jacket, tattoos, but an expensive Rolex on his wrist and hair that was well-styled. He was, by most standards, a fairly attractive, well-built guy. Someone I should probably be jealous of. Competition for Hailey's attention.

“Who are you?” I asked.

He stopped and gave me the same once over I'd just given to him – likely coming to the same conclusion I had.

“I'm Leo,” he said. “Who the fuck are you?”

“Well, Leo, who do you think you are coming in here like that?” I asked. “I think you owe Mrs. Roberts here an explanation and an apology for your poor manners.”

Without a word, the man lunged at me, trying to grab me by the shirt, but I ducked just in time. As I straightened up though, I caught his balled-up fist in the side of my face. The man could hit hard. I almost literally saw stars when he clocked me. I shook my head and quickly recovered, a predatory grin crossing my face as I turned to face him.

“That the best you got, Leo?”
