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Sean shot forward, releasing his own pleasure inside me. He gripped my legs tightly and forced himself deeper, holding his breath and letting the waves of ecstasy wash over him. We froze in that position for what felt like hours, both of us just trying to catch our breath and slow our heart rates.

I never knew anything could feel so incredible. My multiple orgasms were still taking over my body in steady waves, and when Sean finally pulled out of me, I moaned and rolled to the side. My body was trembling and sweaty, and Sean’s was no different.

When he pulled me against him, I could smell the sweat dripping off his body. He kissed my shoulder, licking me slowly, and I shivered again.

“You’re going to kill me,” he whispered.

“That was fucking amazing,” I said, and Sean laughed.

“Come here,” he said, pulling me closer.

I wrapped myself around him, throwing one leg over his crotch. He groaned and cupped my ass in his hand. With a squeeze, we both settled in for the night, exhausted and ready for sleep.


“I’m glad you came out,” I told Philip as we stood in the airport. “I’m sorry I was a bit distracted the whole time.”

“Hey,” Philip said. “I get it. Emily’s hot as hell.”

“Watch it,” I said, a warning in my voice.

“I think she’s great for you,” Philip said, his tone serious. “Try not to ruin it while I’m gone. I’d hate to have to come back and kick your ass.”

“We’ll see how it goes,” I said.

“Be good,” Philip said, hugging me tightly.

“You too, man.” I slapped his back and we broke apart.

Philip walked toward the security line and turned around to leave. That morning was a tearful time for Tommy and Sarah. They both wanted Philip to stay longer, but he had to get back to work. He couldn’t spend too long away from the office. As I walked to the parking garage and found my car, I found myself wishing he could have stayed longer too. Not just for the kids, but for me.

As my best friend, he knew me better than anyone. No one could have pushed me to pursue things with Emily like Philip did. If anyone else tried, I would have told them to fuck off and not thought twice about it. Philip was different, though.

He knew me. He watched me go through hell with Telissa. He was there when she was sick, when she told me about her affair, and when I had to face Sarah for the first time after. He’d been by my side for everything, so if he said I needed to try, I trusted him.

I was glad I did, because my time with Emily had been mind-blowing. The sex was better than I ever imagined it could be. All those weeks of fantasizing about her were nothing compared to actually having her naked body in my bed. If it wasn’t for my kids, I would have never gotten dressed. I would have made Emily stay naked all day, every day. Still, I knew that was impossible. Tommy and Sarah needed our attention, and I would have missed them too much if I even tried to take time away from them.

As I drove toward home, my mind turned to my writing. I’d been thinking of a story for the past couple days now. It wasn’t fleshed out yet, but I felt it had real promise and I was desperate to get it down on paper. Now that Philip was gone, I would have a little more time to myself to work or to simply think. The second I walked through the front door of my house, I headed straight to my study and disappeared inside. I couldn’t wait another second to get this story out.

Sitting down behind my desk, I pulled my notebook to me and opened it to a fresh page. My pen was in my hand and already pressing down on the paper when I heard a soft knock on the door.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Emily,” she said, her voice muffled by the wood.

“Come in,” I said, not bothering to hide my journal.

“Hey,” she said, opening the door and walking over to me. “You came in here so fast, I was worried. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I said with a smile. “Sorry I didn’t say hi.”

“It’s fine.” She shrugged. “Tommy and Sarah are playing out back anyway.”

“Good,” I said, nodding. “I really just wanted to get some work done.”

“What are you working on?’ Sarah asked, glancing down at the notebook on my desk.

I paused for just a second, wondering if it was finally time to share the truth with her. She had been so amazing lately, taking care of the kids and being there for me. I knew if anyone deserved to know about my writing aspirations, it was her.
