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I tried to fight for a position next to Kyra while we all passed out in the living room, but Owen had edged me out. So, instead of trying to make myself comfortable on a pathetic chair, I simply went back to my room. I fell asleep with the smell of Kyra’s hair in my nose and I woke up before everyone else that next morning. I descended into the kitchen to dig out something to make for breakfast, making sure I had enough to feed everyone.

I spent most of my time in my room working. Life didn’t stop for a writer. I’d authored multiple books over the past few years that had garnered me a great deal of success and money but the reason why it worked was because I shut myself away. I allowed myself to get lost in these worlds I created and by the time I was done, I felt like I’d carved out my own best friends. I knew them like the back of my hands. Like the face in the mirror that stared back at me.

I wanted to get to know Kyra and her body that way.

Writing was something I enjoyed but it was also a way to give back to my brothers who had simply accepted me as I was. Dad struggled with how I was all the time because he was such an introvert himself. Our father struggled with anxiety about going out into society, which was why he’d settled us all on top of this mountain.

All my brothers were fairly outgoing, but I had my Dad’s gene of cooping myself up.

My brothers always defended me to Dad, even though they teased me about writing stories and shit. It was just what we did as brothers. I knew they were just playing and I was grateful for their aid whenever Dad tried to get me out into the city. I owed my career path to the fact that they continued to encourage me and, as I began frying up some bacon, I thought about the next book I was going to write.

Then, Kyra came padding into the kitchen.

I turned around and saw her beautiful legs poking out from a t-shirt she’d borrowed from someone. She was blinking the sleep from her eyes while she ran her hands through her tousled hair and I felt my chest tighten at her flushed skin. Never in my life had I seen her look as beautiful as she did right then and, as she moved to make a pot of coffee, I started to digest what had happened last night.

I still couldn’t wrap my mind around it. I’d finally gotten my wish. I’d made love to Kyra just like I’d imagined I would for so many years. But it was still a bit odd. It wasn’t the two of us alone, like I thought it would be. Instead, it was my brothers and me, passing her around like she was just some trophy to be taken.

I still wasn’t sure how I felt about that, even though I knew she enjoyed last night.

There was a component about it that was still sexy. Watching her come at the hands of another man was never something I thought I would enjoy. My cock throbbed just at the idea of it. The smell of coffee permeated the kitchen and I started cracking eggs into a pan.

“Kyra, could you do me a favor and hand me that loaf of bread to your right?” I asked.

She yawned and nodded, tossing me the bread. I chuckled at her tired state.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Sore,” she said, grinning. “So very, very sore.”

“But you say that with a smile,” I said.

“The very best smile,” she said. “Need help with that bacon?”

“If you don’t mind.”

We danced around one another in the kitchen like clockwork while we both prepared the table for us all to eat at. I thought about how nice it would be to do this every morning. To wake up to her flushed skin and her tousled hair, her body cloaked in my clothes while we cooked breakfast and drank coffee together.

None of my brothers were up yet, so I took her hand and tugged her toward the eggs.

“Watch these for a second,” I said. “I gotta go get something.”

I dashed up to my room and grabbed the Christmas gift I’d been working on. I thudded back down the stairs while Kyra stirred the eggs and I had to take a second just to digest her beauty.

I could write an entire book centered around her beauty.

I put her present on the kitchen table before I went and settled my hands onto Kyra’s hips. She jumped and I pressed a kiss to her neck. She giggled lightly before I took the eggs from her. I motioned for her to go sit while I made her a plate, sitting it in front of her while she eyed the box curiously.

“This is for me?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

She picked up a piece of bacon and took a bite, moaning at its flavor before she shoved the rest of it into her mouth.

“Really good,” she said.

“I’m glad you like it.”

She wiped her hands on a napkin then picked up my box and I could feel my heart hammering into my chest. Suddenly, I was self-conscious about the present. What if she didn’t like it? What if she thought I was a weirdo? What if she threw it back at my face and laughed at me?

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