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As I watched her, I decided to skip lunch. Now that I’d done my part to improve Emily’s mood, I finally felt ready to write. I disappeared in my study for an hour, writing nonstop the entire time.


After lunch, I did what Sean said and disappeared upstairs. I showered slowly and took my time picking out an outfit. Sean wouldn’t tell me where we were going, but I knew I needed to dress up.

His excitement was infectious. The way he insisted on taking me out was flattering, and it sent waves of desire coursing through my body. I’d been so preoccupied since my lunch with Janie that I hadn’t spent much time with Sean. When he was around, I found myself falling silent for fear of saying too much.

Now, that fear was gone, as was my preoccupation. Janie’s words still echoed in my mind, but I forced them away. She thought I loved Sean, and I had been determined to prove her wrong. But now, I no longer cared.

Janie could think what she wanted. Besides, tonight would be our first real date, which meant we were taking our relationship out of the bedroom. That, more than anything, quelled my fears and comforted me while I dressed for the evening.

Since Janie’s comment I wondered what Sean felt for me. Did he love me? Was he only interested in my body and what I could do for his children? I didn’t know the answers to my questions, and I promised myself I wouldn’t stress over my insecurities during our date night. Instead, I would enjoy my first night out alone with him. I would revel in the time I spent with Sean and be happy to simply be with such a gorgeous, caring man.

I put on a black dress that hugged my breasts and waist, fanning out into a full skirt that fell just above my knees. The dress was simple and modest, but I always felt sexy when I wore it. It flattered my curves, and my dark curls looked amazin

g against the black material.

I smiled at myself in the mirror as I applied a thin layer of makeup. Ever since I started working for Sean, I hadn’t spent much time on my appearance. Tommy and Sarah never cared what I looked like, and Sean seemed to like me just fine without any fanfare. Tonight though, I wanted to put in some extra effort.

With a final touch of mascara, I took a step back to take in my appearance. I looked good. Sexy and confident. I smiled at myself and twirled around for a second before I found my heels and slid them on my feet. Thankfully, Sean was tall so that I would still be shorter than him in my shoes. I was grinning as I flew downstairs, ready for the evening to begin.

“Hey,” I said as I walked into the living room. “Do we need to feed Tommy and Sarah dinner before we go?”

Sean turned to face me, and his eyes flew wide open. He looked me up and down, lingering on his favorite parts of my body. By the time his eyes finally returned to my face, I forgot what I was asking.

Nervously, I cleared my throat and took a step forward. Sean shook his head slowly, a grin spreading across his face.

“Jesus,” he said softly. “You look fucking incredible.”

“Thank you.” I laughed shyly, a blush creeping onto my cheeks. “I just wanted to look to nice for tonight.”

“You succeeded,” he said with a soft laugh of his own.

I smiled and looked him over while we stood a few feet apart. He was wearing a pair of jeans that hugged him well and a button up that accented the muscles of his arms. His shirt was navy blue, and it made his eyes stand out.

I took a step closer to him, and my stomach tightened with desire. I suddenly didn’t want to go out tonight. I wanted to stay in with him. Having the entire house to ourselves sounded more than appealing.

“Where are Tommy and Sarah?” I asked, clearing my throat again.

“Already at Mrs. Johnston’s,” Sean said. “They’re eating dinner over there tonight. We’ll pick them up when we get home.”

I nodded and looked around nervously. Of all the time I’d spent with Sean, this was the most nerve-wracking. I suddenly felt uncomfortable in my own skin, and it wasn’t until he took my hand in his that I finally relaxed.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked, squeezing my fingers gently.

“Yes,” I said, nodding.

He led me out the front door and down the porch steps. He didn’t let me go until we reached his car where he opened the door for me and helped me slide inside. Closing my door, he walked around to the other side and slid behind the wheel.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“To dinner,” he said. “Then I thought we could go dancing if that’s something you like.”

“I love dancing,” I said, wiggling with excitement.

Sean laughed and drove us toward town, holding my hand the whole way.

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