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with her parents, or after some guy did something stupid, and she would crash with us. She’d sleep on the couch or in one of our rooms and we’d all huddle around her and listen to her talk until she fell asleep. Then she’d wake up in the small hours of the morning, I’d offer to escort her home and off we would go across the lawn.

Only this time, it felt different.

I could feel the tension between us as we crossed the snow-covered lawn, walking quickly to her porch as we settled in front of the door. I wanted to gauge her mood before I let her go. Figure out where she was so I could let the guys know.

The last thing any of us wanted to think was that we’d taken advantage of her last night.

“I’m happy you’re back,” I said, smiling. “It’s really nice havin’ you home.”

“It’s nice being home,” she said.

“Did you get the books I sent for your class?” I asked.

“Oh, I did. Thank you so much for your donation. I’m sorry I didn’t thank you sooner. It was just around the time that things were getting rough between Landon and me.”

“I understand,” I said. “No worries. You know I’m here for you if you want to talk or if you need anything.”

“I appreciate it. I’ve always felt close to you guys. Thank you for all you’ve done for me.”

She moved to open her door but I reached out for her arm, stopping her in her tracks before she could get inside. She panned her gaze over to me and I pulled her back, her body so close I could feel the heat of her bouncing onto my skin.

“I know what happened was out of the ordinary but I don’t regret one second of it, Kyra. I’ve thought about being with you more than once or twice and I could never take back what happened last night.”

She smiled at me for the first time that morning and it melted a part of me that was worried.

“I’ve thought about it, too, to be honest.”

I raised my hand and cupped her cheek, stroking my thumb over her flushed skin. She felt soft, like the powdered snow that had just started falling from the sky. The sun was beginning to peek over the trees, threatening to shine light on the fact that Kyra hadn’t been home last night.

I knew I didn’t have much more time with her.

“You’ve always been special to me. And to my brothers. We’ll always be here for you, Tink, always.”

I saw tears welling in her eyes and I bent down to kiss her cheek. I didn’t want to overwhelm her or make her uncomfortable, but I did want her to know that we’d never take it back. None of us would. I felt comfortable saying that for my brothers. I wanted her to know she was special to us before the encounter and she’d be special to us after.

Then I watched her enter her home as she shut the door behind her.

I made my way back across the lawn to find all the brothers at the table. They were devouring breakfast, not saying a word to each other as their eyes all panned up toward me. I could tell they were all waiting for what I had to say, to hear whatever conversation I must’ve had with Kyra.

Our Tinkerbell, who’d given us so much last night.

“She’s home,” I said, nodding. “A little shaken, I’d say.”

I could see the worry bubbling up in all their eyes, but no one else said a fucking word about what happened last night.

How were we supposed to move forward if no one would talk about it? How were we supposed to keep enjoying one another and having good times like always if we didn’t want to address what took place? Everyone wanted to avoid the topic entirely and if I couldn’t find a way to bring us all together, it would ruin our Christmas.

We might even lose Kyra in the process.

“Eventually, we’ll have to talk,” I said. “So, get used to it now.”

I grabbed another piece of toast and walked out of the kitchen, leaving everyone else to think as I headed to my room.


Even though I thought I would beat my dad to the punch, he was actually in the kitchen when I walked in. His back was to me while he was cooking up eggs and sausage, but I could tell by the twitch in his shoulder that he’d heard me come in.

“At least Blake got you home,” he said huskily.
