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Thirty-three years old, sleeping above a friend’s garage, and eating Salisbury steak out of a plastic dish. I was living the life.

At least my therapy was a long hot shower. I walked to my tiny bathroom, threw my clothes off and onto an already high laundry pile and stepped under the warm spray.

While the suds slipped down my bare breasts, the band’s last break ended and the noise below caused my shampoo bottles to vibrate against one another. I could feel the music through my feet and up into my bones. Exhausted or not, I couldn’t deny the love I had for their sounds—haunting harmonies mixed with a hint of metal. They really rocked, and Rain’s voice was incredible. She could hit any note with ease and was one of the most sought-after singers in the area. She had offers left and right, but wanted to do her thing, her way. She formed Live Wired, and the band hustled hard around the Austin area ever since. They’d even done a few short tours, opening for some big-name acts.

I’d known Rain since I’d moved to the area in high school, and our contrasting personalities brought us together like magnets. When my mom died during my first year of college, I moved in with Rain and her aunt, Helen. Aunt Helen was renting a garage apartment to an old man at the time, but when he moved away, I took up the rent and moved upstairs. I wanted to know what it was like to really be on my own, and shortly after, I wanted to know what it was like to be in a serious relationship. That’s when I met Devin.

Things had been wonderful for a while, and felt like life couldn’t get any better, but then he started sneaking around until one day, after a double shift, I came home to find him fucking some groupie in the bed we shared.

The only reason he’d been so brave was that Rain was working with her boyfriend at the time, and Aunt Helen had gone on a trip to see her sister who lived in Florida. He hadn’t expected me home so soon, and once I caught him, he admitted it wasn’t the first time. His excuse had been that it was part of his reputation; that with him being a musician in a band, I should know what comes with that lifestyle.

He never expected me to find out and begged me to stay. There was no way in hell I would take him back, and the rejection really seemed to get to him.

He proceeded to bed a different girl every night, which, according to Rain, he did for the two weeks after our breakup. He conveniently made certain that he was hanging around the house with his fling whenever I arrived home from work. He was ruthless.

I finished my shower and pulled on my boy shorts and a tank top and went to the kitchen to grab my dinner. When the music stopped, I could hear the sounds of the band leaving, and let out a sigh remembering that I was once a part of the gang just months earlier.

Footsteps on the stairs told me Rain was on her way, and sure enough, the brief knock on the door announced her seconds before she opened it and came inside.

“Hey, Kam. Do you mind if I grab a soda? We’re all out downstairs.”

“Help yourself.” She was in the fridge before I could finish my sentence.

“Man, what a night! You should have been here earlier. We had a surprise visit from Daren down at Metal Shop. He’s got us a whole list of gigs. We’ll be booked through the end of the year. I swear, that guy is so hot.”

“Did you eye fuck him?” I turned on the TV with the remote and fell onto the couch beside me before taking my fork and cutting up my Salisbury steak.

“You know it. We’re supposed to get together next week.” She plopped down on my mismatched sofa across the room and popped open the soda can.

“That’s awesome, Rain. He’s a catch.” Daren Craig owned and operated the largest music studio and store in the area; Metal Shop. It was a musician’s paradise, and not only was he one of the hottest men Rain had ever taken an interest in, but his connections were also gold.

“I can’t wait to see him again. He kissed me before he left. Said we could come down and use his back room to practice.”

Now she was speaking my language.

“That would be great. Then I wouldn’t have to watch as Devin molested his groupies in my stairway.”

“Well, he’s clearly trying to make you jealous with his flavor of the month.” She leaned forward, placing her drink on the battered coffee table between us and rested on her elbows. “You know what you need, right?”

“A baby.”

“I was thinking sex actually. You mean you still want to get pregnant, even now??” Rain’s eyes lit with surprise.

“You know I’ve wanted a child, that I’d even considered having a baby all by myself after mom’s death, but then I met Devin.”

“Aren’t you thankful you didn’t do that?” Rain let out a long breath and stared at the ceiling. She’d been against me looking into the single-mom life, and she was only looking out for what she thought was my best interest. It wasn’t the right time for me to become a mother, but I couldn’t wait for the day to finally come.

“Yeah, and I’m glad I didn’t go out and get a pet like you recommended.” She’d tried to get me to get a puppy.

“Big difference.” She looked in the mirror and smoothed her hair.

“I think I’m at the point in my life where I’m done waiting for my knight in shinning armour. Most guys I meet don’t want a serious relationship. Just one-night stands. No thanks.”

“You don’t know what they want. There are some nice guys out there. You’re just not looking in the right places.”

“Maybe so, but I’m not getting any younger. Besides, guys are repelled to girls who want to have a family.”

“Stop making excuses. You’ll find someone and the time to get knocked up. I’ll help you. I want to see my best friend in love again.” She got up and came around the table to give me a hug. “It’s going to be OK, Kam. The right man will come along, and he’ll be worth the wait. I really want you to give dating a go again.”
