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“No, but she was in the Village Diner with her fucking ex,” I said.

“Wait, what?” Blake asked.

“What the hell’d you just say?” Rowan asked.

“Kyra. Was at lunch. With her bullshit ex. After she fucked all of us.”

“What the fuck is that?” Rowan asked. “Are you sure it was her? Are you just fucking with us so you can keep her to yourself?”

“The fuck would I do that for?” I asked.

“Okay, guys, just calm down,” Blake said.

“Shut the fuck up, you idiot,” Rowan said. “Kyra’s downtown with her asshole ex, schmoozing over lunch. He’s probably manipulating her back into some bullshit! We should all go down there.”

“The hell’s all the language for?” Chance asked as he hung up the phone.

“Kyra’s fucking downtown, eating lunch with her damn ex,” Rowan exclaimed. “How the fuck did we not know he was in town? Did she know he was in town?”

“Kyra was with who?” Chance asked.

“Her fucking ex. Keep up, asshat,” Rowan said.

“Don’t you take that tone with me,” Chance said. “I ended an important phone call with a client because you lost your head. This is important.”

Blake left the kitchen and I heard him make his way upstairs while Rowan and Chance continued to cuss up a storm. I heard Harper yell something before he came bumbling down the stairs, Blake hot on his heels.

If we were calling up the brigade we all needed to be here. I walked out the back door and headed to the garage.

Enough with this shit.

We were all talking about this now.

“Ethan, get your ass inside,” I said.

He was tinkering with a motorcycle he was restoring and he chuckled.

“Someone step on your dick?” he asked.

“I saw Kyra having lunch with her fucking ex. Get the hell inside.”

The look on Ethan’s face let me in on the fact that my statement boiled his blood and, soon, he was running toward the house and busting into the kitchen.

“What the fuck did Owen just tell me?” Ethan asked.

“I don’t know,” Chance said. “Were you listening?”

“Enough, asshole,” Ethan said. “What’s this shit about Kyra having lunch with her ex and why the fuck aren’t we all headed downtown to beat his ass?”

“First of all, you’re the one acting like an asshat,” Chance said.

“Well, you obviously don’t care about Kyra if you aren’t wanting to kick this guy in the nuts,” Ethan said. “How many men have you gunned down because they pointed a gun at you? Some man swoops into town and macks on your girl and, suddenly, you’re Mr. Passive?”

“You better watch your fucking words, you little piece of shit,” Chance said as he strode toward him. “Or I’m gonna break that sorry little nose on your face.”

“Unless I’m meeting with my ex, right?” Ethan asked.

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