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“No? That’s a shock.”

“Not really. You know I can see all of her activity. She’s not fallen for a single line that some of those dogs on the site throw at her. She hasn’t engaged with anyone but me.”

He looked at me sideways. “And have you gotten into her panties yet?”

“That is none of your damn business,” I said, a little too forcefully.

Hazen raised his eyebrows at me. “Don’t tell me she’s gotten under your skin already?”

I blew out a breath and shook my head, not really knowing what I felt. “I don’t know man, she’s just different. Not like the chicks I usually go for,” I said. “And have you actually banged all these girls in your gallery?” I asked in an attempt to direct the attention away from myself.

He grinned at me and nodded. “A gentleman never tells.”

I shot him a look. “Since when have you ever been a gentleman?”


It was hard to believe it had only been just a few days short of two weeks since Tate and I met. Bedding a guy on the first date wasn’t my style, but I came to find out Tate had a way of bringing out my wild side. I thanked my lucky stars that his sister came home that night.

It gave me a chance to reflect and push the breaks, a little. We hadn’t had sex or done any of the deliciously naughty things we’d done in his bed, although I sure as hell wanted to; on countless occasions.

I hadn’t spent the night again. I told him I wanted to take things slowly as we got to know each other more, and he agreed to let me take the lead. I really liked him and felt myself getting attached, so I wanted to give our relationship enough time before we got physical again.

I’d put my heart on the line one too many times in the past and ended up devastated, so I promised myself two full weeks of dating before we’d take things to the next level. I didn’t tell Tate an exact timeline, because I didn’t want to feel pressured if I still wasn’t ready.

Tate was unlike any other guy. He was so patient and respected my wishes, without attempting to change my mind. We had so much in common that it was almost too good to be true. Things were moving so fast that it almost scared the crap out of me.

Not too long ago, I’d sworn off men almost entirely and prepared myself for a sperm donor.

If I was going to open my heart to Tate, I needed know that I could trust him; that he wasn’t hiding anything from me. With that said, we had only a few days to go before the end of my two weeks of no sex rule. Being alone with him in the woods was going be a real test of my self-control.

I prepared for our date, dressing casually for adventure, as Tate suggested. I couldn’t help but think about him and our time together.

Not only had he come in for coffee when I was on shift, but he’d called me, texted, and even came to my house a few evenings to help me install furniture and paint the walls. I still wasn’t sure if I was going to stay there, but it needed doing, and Aunt Helen had agreed to take a bit off my rent for the work. I could certainly use the break.

We took full advantage of flirting hard, and he’d even sent me a picture of his naked ass upon request. It was the least he could do since I sent a picture of my bare breasts.

That conversation had been intense, and it ended with the two of us both pleasuring ourselves for the other to hear. Phone sex was underrated, and I hoped I’d never have to masturbate alone again.

I pulled on my hiking boots, which was another request, and wondered what he had in store. I hoped I wasn’t rock climbing or one of those places where you shoot each other with air guns. Devin had taken me to those places when he wanted some adventure, and I’d gone home from both with bruises.

He showed up in his jeep a half an hour later and came around, as usual, to help me in. He even clicked my seatbelt and gave me a quick kiss. “I’ve missed seeing you.” He walked around and got in the driver’s seat.

“You saw me yesterday.” He’d come in for a cup of coffee on my morning shift.

“Right, and it has been too long.” His words had me warm and fuzzy inside, and I kept telling myself not to get too excited. Once the new wore off me, who knows how he’d feel.

It had happened that way with Devin. Things were amazing b

etween us at first, but then things got too comfortable, the new wore off, and he grew bored. Bored enough to stray. Tate and I hadn’t even solidified that we were in a relationship yet, and I was afraid we were fast-tracking our way to sudden burnout. I hoped I was wrong, but my history proved otherwise.

He drove us out toward the interstate away from the city. “Where are we going?” I glanced out the window and saw the city growing further away in the distance.

“We’re going out to the country. I have a few places I like to go where it's pitch dark, and the sky is alive.” He put his hand on my knee and gave it a squeeze. “I hope you’re not afraid of the dark.”

“As long as you stay close, I think I’ll be OK.” I placed my hand over his.

“I promise I won’t leave your side.” He picked up my hand and brought it to his warm lips, which brushed my knuckles. “I’m glad you listened to me about the hiking boots. There are all kinds of critters up here and some rough terrain, and that’s on the beaten path.”
