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“Will we have to leave the beaten path?” I glanced to the back seat and saw a medium-sized black bag that had a roll of duct tape looped through the strap and his camera case. For a minute, I wondered if I should be worried. Tate did seem too good to be true, and now he was taking me far from the city in the pitch dark of night with a duffel bag and a roll of duct tape.

“No, we won’t. I brought my big light and some duct tape to secure it to a tree so I can get a good look at what’s around and what I’m doing.”

I breathed a little easier. “Why don’t you just use your headlights?” I knew the jeep had a huge light bar overhead.

“The smaller lights are easier to aim, and I turn them off and on so often. I’ll lay a blanket down that you can sit on.”

“That will be perfect for looking up at the stars, among other things,” I said, glancing at him from under my lashes. The vein in the side of his jaw bounced and I knew he was thinking dirty thoughts.

A few minutes later, we pulled off onto a dark and winding road that led up into the hills.

He parked, and I stayed in the jeep as he scanned the area with a flashlight before choosing a spot to set up the light that he ran off a huge battery. He also had them rigged on a switch so he could flip them off and on as needed.

He came to my door and opened it, taking my hand to help me out. “You weren’t kidding. It’s dark out here.”

“It’s the new moon.” I like coming out on smaller phases, and before the moon rises so I get great quality photos. I came out a couple of weeks ago before the moon came out, but I wasn’t happy with the shots. The new moon, that’s the best time for what I do.” I stepped and stumbled as he stayed pressed tight behind me talking just above my ear. “Come and sit here. You should adjust to it soon.” I’d been in the jeep where there was some light from the displays.

I lay back and looked up at the sky, which was lit up as I’d never seen it. “That’s amazing.”

“It always looks that beautiful; we just can’t always see it. That’s why I like to capture it. You’d be surprised at how many people think my photos are faked.” His voice stayed close, but he let my go in order to capture a few images.

“OK, I need your help, now,” he finally said. I turned my head to barely see his outline moving in the dark.

“My help? I didn’t think you were going to put me to work.”

“You thought you were just going to get off easy, huh? No chance.” He chuckled. “Come here. I want you to point this thing to whatever piece of sky you like.”

“I want to capture Orion.” I gazed up at the sky, where I knew it to be. “Here.”

“OK, hit that button and we’ll see what we get when we’re done.” I did as he instructed, and he stood close behind me, his hands moving from my shoulders to my waist. I turned from the tripod, and our lips met with a tender kiss that soon deepened.

His hand came up to my hair and my back arched as he leaned into me. I pressed my hips forward, finding his and he slipped a hand down to my ass to cup it and draw me even closer. His thick erection pushed into me, and I felt the hunger for him aching deep in my core. He pulled away, each of us panting.

“I’m trying to behave, but you make it so hard.” He chuckled softly, and I could barely see the white smile in front of me.

“I’m sorry. You’re right. I was the one who said we should take things slowly. I don’t mean to make it hard.” After a moment, we both laughed at my words.

“I love being close to you.” He drew me into his arms and kissed me again, this time laying me back against the soft blanket. Every time things would heat up to where I’d think he’d want to have sex, he pulled away, teasing me and driving me crazy. He was waiting for me to tell him I was ready.

I wanted him so badly and yet; I liked the throbbing ache between my legs. We rubbed together, his erection pressing hard into my mound. It was so good that a few strokes later, I quickened our pace as I came hard.

“That’s my girl. You’re about to push me over too.” Moments later I did, and even though we didn’t have sex, it was the hottest, most satisfying make-out session I’d had in ages, even better than our phone sex.

I was more than ready for the real thing.


Megan’s footsteps warned me that I was about to be attacked. I opened my eyes just in time to see her approach my bed.

“Oh, you’re so lucky you woke up. I was about to dive bomb you. Dad wanted me to wake you up and have you call him. He’s in lecture mode, and now it’s your turn.”

“No thanks. I’ve heard his lectures before. Besides, I haven’t even had my morning coffee yet.”

“You going to Loving Cup?”

“No, once I get up I’m going to the kitchen. Kami gifted me a bag of my special blend for those mornings when she’s not on shift.” I rolled over as she walked to my desk and looked at the prints I had made the night before.

“That was sweet of her. Looks like I found the culprit to your sleeping in.” She held up the only image I had taken enough care to title. “Kami’s Sky?”

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