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Then again, maybe I could find my sister another place to stay, giving her the encouragement so that Kami could move in. But what a step that would be. While we were getting super close, Kami was independent in many ways. I wasn’t sure she was going to go for it.

A knock on my door forced me to get up and stretch my legs. I’d been sitting at the computer for hours, and though I needed a piss break, I headed to the door first.

Hazen walked in as soon as I opened the door. “It’s fucking hot out there today, man. I hope you don’t mind me grabbing a bottled water.” He headed straight for my kitchen.

“Help yourself; I’ll be right back.” I left for the bathroom, and when I came back, he was standing in my kitchen looking at his phone.

“What brings you by?”

He gestured down to an envelope on the counter. “I’m here to give you a bonus. I know you don’t want my money, but I have to give you something dude. You’re the hottest thing going on that site, my friend, and everyone I know is talking about you. You’ve even caught the attention of some of my favorites, and they are asking me for an introduction. I told a couple that you and I don’t share, especially at the same time.”

I went to the Keurig to make myself a cup of coffee. “They wanted a threesome?” I winced. I had known Hazen too long, and we weren’t about that kind of thing. Now me and two chicks? That I would have thought about back in the day.

“They want a lot of things with you, my friend. Are you still seeing that girl?”

“Kami. And yes, I’m seeing her. Only her.”

“Does she know about all the women you’re hitting on?” He gave a sly grin.

“No, she doesn’t think I’m on the site still. I signed the NDA about what I do, I haven’t said a word to anyone, but I will say, you’re about to have to find another man. I’m not sure how long I can keep helping you and keeping it from Kami.”

“Wait, are you falling for her?” He asked, incredulously.

The “L” word had always been one I’d avoided, but with her and how things had been going, it fit.

I took my coffee and pulled the hot cup to my lips. After taking a sip, I met his eyes. “So? Maybe I am.”

Hazen held his hands up. “Hey, man, I think it’s great, really. But I wish you’d reconsider. That bonus is a nice one, and there’s plenty more there where that came from if you keep up the good work.” He gestured to the envelope he’d put on the counter.

I walked to it and opened it up, leaning on the counter over my coffee. There was a five-thousand- dollar check inside.

“I appreciate the gesture, man. I was doing it to help you out and to find my girl. Both of which I’ve done. I don’t need your money.”

“I know you don’t, but I appreciate what you’re doing for me and I wanted to show that appreciation. Blow it all on your girl if that makes you feel better.”

I shook my head “I don’t want to mess this thing up with Kami, man. I can’t keep doing this forever. I do love her.”

“Dude, you’re forgetting who you are talking to. I’ve known you since we could both walk. You say you love her now, but you’ll get bored in another month or two and be back on the prowl.” Hazen said.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. He might be my best friend, but right now, Hazen was pissing me the fuck off. “I’ve told you before, this is different. She is different. I’m done with that shit, man, and if you bring it up again, we are going to have a big problem.”

Hazen held his hands up in a defensive gesture. “Hey, no need to get your boxers in a bunch Tate. If you say it’s different, then I believe you.”

I nodded and unclenched my fists at my sides.

“That’s not the only reason I came by. I was going to see if you wanted to come by the club later. You can even bring your girl if you want.” He glanced down at his phone. “Check this out, man. I swear, owning his site is the best thing I’ve ever done.” He shoved his phone in my face and on the screen, there was a picture I’d seen before.

“She sent me the same one, you know. Asked if I wanted to party with her.” I laughed as his face fell.

“Oh well. It’s not like I want an honest relationship. I just want to fuck her.” He shrugged and belted a laugh.

“You’re a dog, man. You aren’t ever going to settle down, are you?”

“Not if I can help it. But seriously, man. Stick around. I’ll take care of you. And if you want to come out to the club, I swear I won’t mention any of it to your little lady.”

“Kami and I are going to see her friend’s band play somewhere tonight. Maybe after, I’ll see what you’re up to.”

“Sounds good. Hit me later, man,” Hazen said as I shut the door behind him. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to take Kami to the club where Hazen hung out. What if one of the women from the site was there hoping to cause a scene?
