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“Please, he’s a man. You’re a gorgeous girl. One plus one equals two and sometimes three, so use protection. I mean, I’m sure he’s a good guy when it comes to his niece and taking in this little girl, but he has needs like any other man.” She had a point, but I was only using that as an excuse to make him off limits in my mind. It wasn’t working.

“I just need to get right after what I’ve been through, and I’m not sure it’s a good idea to drag him and Star into my drama.”

“I hear you. My ex, Chet is giving me problems. I told him I rented you the room, and now he asked me for a loan. Like I have a bunch of extra cash now. I swear, when one vein runs dry, that leech taps another.”

“Are you going to give him any money?

“Hell no, not one red cent, but it never stops him from asking me. He’s the one who’s three grand behind on his child support, but do I complain? Count in your blessings that you don’t have a child with that monster.” She shook her head.

I placed my hand on my stomach and silently begged for forgiveness. I’d carried the guilt of losing my baby for four years, and I’d often thought if I hadn’t lost it, maybe Nick would have been a better husband and father. I knew deep down though, that no child would have changed who Nick was, and though it sounded horrible to say, it was better that our baby hadn’t survived to face Nick’s ugliness.

“Are you okay?” Liza turned pale, looking like she could read my mind. “Oh, no. I’m so sorry, Dream.”

“It’s okay. It was years ago, and I didn’t even know I was expecting until it was too late. He pushed me down the stairs; said it was an accident.”

“Geez, girl. It’s a wonder he didn’t kill you.”

“Not for lack of trying,” I said and shook my head.

The bell on the door chimed as the first of our daily customers strolled in. It wasn’t Chance, and I felt a surge of disappointment. I really needed to get ahold of myself. I couldn’t afford to let myself get caught up in a man who might not even want anyth

ing more than sex from me, if that.

I thought for a moment what it would be like to have a man who treated me like I were special, like there wasn’t anything in the world he wouldn’t do for me, or give to me. To be his only love, and to be cherished.

But, that was the kind of love that existed in fairy tales, and it wasn’t reserved for people like me.

The day would drag on, and I wouldn’t see any sign of Chance. I tried not to be disappointed and drove to the library to find the books.

I unfolded the big piece of paper and read the purple crayon words, double-checking that all of them would be available. Thankfully, they all were. I gathered the first three on the list so I’d have plenty to work with her on, and then approached the desk.

After applying for a card, and answering thirty questions from the librarian, who clearly didn’t give a care about the silent rule and was more interested in who I was and where I came from, I checked out the books.

I hurried out to Liza’s car, which she let me borrow, and tossed the books into the seat beside me. I’d read one to Brady tonight, and then tomorrow, I’d let Star take her pick.

It was nice being around Star and Brady, and I was grateful I had the chance to nurture children again, even if they weren’t my own.

End of Sneak Peak. Would you like to know how this continues?

Click Here: Big Daddy: A Mountain Man’s Baby Romance

Forbidden Touch


“Let’s see who can snag the first hot piece of tail tonight.” Jason said with a sly grin, as he handed me a cigarette.

“Don’t’ worry. I’m in a charitable mood. I’ll send the first one that comes my way your direction. You can thank me later.” I said as I grabbed the cigarette and proceeded to light it up.

Tyler chuckled and shook his head. He was in his early forties, married with two kids so he relished in being the amused spectator, while Jason and I chased women. The two of us, on the other hand, were bachelors in our late twenties and self-admitted horn dogs.

We were walking towards our favorite hangout, McConnel’s Pub, ready for a much needed drink - or five. The pub was right around the corner from the fire station and the perfect post-shift hangout. Over the years, the three of us generally ran the same shifts and we grew close. I guess facing life threatening conditions together made it that way.

Working around the clock with a twelve-hour rotation for five days hit me hard, but not hard enough to stop me from my usual indulgences: booze and mind-blowing sex. Tonight, my body was yearning for the later at a whole new level. I felt the pressure rising in my pants as I walked into the pub like a predator seeking his prey. Down boy.

When I was on the job, nothing else mattered, and that was what made me such a damn good fire fighter. But the second my rotations ended, my body was eager for a much-needed release. I was a creature of habit.

We stepped inside McConnel’s and moved toward the bar. I ordered my usual shot of bourbon and slid onto the nearest stool. Jason was already making his way to a blond sitting in a booth in the corner of the room. The poor man wasn’t the brightest tool; it was evident that she was waiting on a date. The fact that the blond was sitting in the corner so focused on her phone gave it away. No girl coming to a bar to get laid would sit away from traffic and be so preoccupied with sending someone else texts.
