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“Well, it is Montana. God’s country and all that.”

Kane laughed and Laci rounded the truck to tuck Rian into a hug. “Hey there, brother-in-law, how are you? I heard you’re working quite a case.”

He lowered his voice so CoCo didn’t chance to overhear. “Well, not exactly a case, as the FBI is doing the heavy lifting. I’m just looking out for a client while they finish up the investigation. We had a scary incident and I thought it best to hide out here for a few days. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course not. What a dumb question. Where is she?” Laci asked, peering around Rian. “Is she in the house? I want to meet her. I’ve never met an Italian heiress before.”

“And she’s never met a country music star. The two of you should get along famously,” Rian said, grinning as he gestured toward the house. “Yeah, she’s in there finishing up a pie. And don’t go teasing her about her kitchen skills. She wanted to try her hand at baking a pie this morning and I jumped in to help when it was all about to end up in the trash.”

“Let me guess...dough wouldn’t cooperate?”

“Yeah, not enough water.”

“Classic mistake. It’s happened to the best of us.”

Kane rolled his eyes. “Are you two hens finished?”

Laci shot him a saucy look and said as she sashayed up the steps, “This hen will remember that comment when you’re bellyaching for my famous peach pie.”

Instantly contrite, Kane followed with their luggage. “Aw, baby, you know I was kidding. Don’t go making threats like that.” She stopped and presented her cheek, which Kane happily kissed, and she giggled. “Does this mean I’m forgiven?”

“I’ll think about it.”

Kane followed Laci into the house and Rian shook his head wondering when Laci had lopped off his brother’s nuts and tucked them into her fancy purse, because that wasn’t the brother who used to be the alpha dog. He chuckled and followed, eager to see CoCo’s reaction to a real-life country music star walking into the kitchen.

* * *

COCO WAS JUST finishing up wiping down the counters when Laci McCall, a bona fide country music star, A-lister and overall mega-talented stunner, walked into the kitchen with an inquiring smile along with her husband, Kane. “You must be CoCo Abelli,” she said, extending a hand as if they were just two normal people.

Kane waved with a quick introduction and then disappeared into the bedroom with the luggage, leaving Laci and CoCo alone.

“Oh, my God... I’m sorry... I’m just a bit...” CoCo took quick stock of her attire and blushed to her roots. She looked like a country bumpkin harlot in her booty shorts and tight tank. “I don’t usually dress like this,” she said with a slight stretch of the truth, dusting off the flour that seemed everywhere. “I didn’t expect anyone to be around. Warren said he was going to some town a few miles over and...”

Laci laughed and waved away CoCo’s embarrassment. “Honey, stand down. We don’t put much attention on what you’re wearing around the ranch. You look fine to me. And frankly, if I had that ass, I’d be wearing booty shorts like that, too. Although, I doubt any work would get done because Kane would be carrying me into the bedroom every five minutes.”

The easy way Laci shared personal stuff eased CoCo’s nerves enough to relax. “It’s an honor to meet you. I love your music. Can I fangirl gush for a minute?” she asked, a little apologetic. “I mean, I’m sure that gets old, right?”

“Never gets old,” Laci said, winking. “That’s what I signed up for, you know? Please, fangirl all you want.”

“Okay, just this once, I promise. Your single ‘Kentucky Rain’ always makes me cry, but in a good way. It’s one of those songs that just reaches into my soul and does something that I can’t explain. I love that whole CD.”

“‘Kentucky Rain,’ I love that song, too,” Laci said, smiling. “I wrote that song in a day and I’ve found that songs that come together like that, just like pieces of a puzzle clicking together, are the ones that come from a special place. I’m glad that you were touched by my music. Makes me happy inside.”

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