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All of her stuff was gone, and the bed was empty. The clock on the nightstand said 1:00 p.m.

She stomped back into the room to find Kendall sitting up, staring at her phone.

“What’s wrong?”

Kendall held out the phone screen and Marley wanted to throw something against the wall: Have fun finding a ride home, bitches!

Sonora had left them there.

Marley went to sit on the other bed and dialed the hotel phone.

“Front desk, how may I help you?”

“Hi, this is room 1411, and I was just wondering if the rest of our party left us a message.”

“Let me check, one moment please.” After several moments of listening to her click around on her computer, she came back on the line, “I’m sorry, but Ms. Star checked out and canceled the reservation you all had for tonight. If you would like to stay, I can reinstate the reservation for an additional charge, but as it is now, you’re going to have to pay for late check out.”

“Oh…okay. Sure, we’ll do that. Thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

Who the hell says my pleasure after they shaft someone?

As Marley hung up the phone, it really sunk in. Sonora had let them oversleep and canceled their second night.

But why? “I am going to fucking kill her. Why would she do this?”

“Maybe because I called her an evil skank monster from hell who didn’t deserve Brent?” Kendall offered.

Marley paused, her jaw dropping to her chest. “You said that? When?”

“When she started yelling at you about how you sucked as a maid of honor, and you told her she had no honor and she called you a really nasty name and I went off…you really don’t remember any of this?”

“Shit. Shit.” She was so screwed. She wouldn’t be surprised if Kelly fired her after this. She should not have let her guard down.

Who was she going to call to bail them out?

Scrolling through her phone, her thumb landed on Luke’s name and before she could really think about the repercussions, she hit call.

He picked up on the second ring. “Well, hey there. How’s the bachelorette party?”

“Actually, it kind of sucks. Sonora took off and left Kendall and me.”

She had to hold the phone away when he shouted, “What?”

“She took the car, left us in the hotel room, and we’re completely stranded. I was hoping maybe—”

“I’m on my way.”

Marley released the breath she didn’t know she’d been holding. “Thank you.”

“Hey, if I get to see you, it’s worth the drive.”

Marley’s heart skipped, and her cheeks warmed. When she hung up the call, Kendall was just coming out of the bathroom.

“Who did you call?” she asked.

