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“What do you mean?” Kendall asked.

Marley opened her mouth to tell her everything, but someone knocked on the door. Luke poked his head in, and Marley’s heart flipped just catching a glimpse of that lopsided grin. After she’d dropped him off at the airport on Sunday, she’d missed him like crazy. Sure they’d Skyped at night before bed, and she’d even put on a little show for him, but it wasn’t the same as having him there with her. They hadn’t gotten to see each other last night because he’d been out with Brent and the other groomsmen having a guy’s night before the big day.

“Hey, ceremony is about to start and they’re looking for Kendall,” Luke said.

Kendall wiped at her cheeks once more and took Marley’s hands. “Do I look like I’ve been crying?”

“Yeah, but it’s okay. You’re supposed to cry at weddings.”

Kendall squeezed her hands. “Thanks.” Then she got up and left the room.

When Kendall was gone, Luke shut the door behind her and locked it.

“What are you doing? You have to get out there.”

“They can wait.” He stalked around the back of the loveseat and sat down next to her. “God, I missed you.”

His hands cradled her face and as his lips brushed hers, she closed her eyes. “I missed you too.”

His kisses trailed over her cheek and down her neck until he buried his face in her chest with a groan. “I want to toss up this ridiculous princess skirt and have my way with you right here.”

“We can’t,” she murmured, arching her neck.

“I know.” He lifted his head and ran his thumb across her lips. “To be continued.”

As he left the room, she sank back into the couch with a sigh. “I hope so.”

As the silence around her became suffocating, she got up and headed for the exit. Life wasn’t fair. Sonora had cheated on Brent, had only decided to still marry him because Dustin had rejected her, while Kendall and Brent were miserable. And there was nothing she could do.

Her footsteps slowed as she realized that wasn’t true. Now that Sonora had fired her, the confidentiality clause was null and void.

Besides, if being sued by Sonora meant Kendall and Brent could be happy, she was all for it.

* * * *

At the front of the church beneath the arbor, Luke stood up with his best friend as they watched the bridal procession. Neither Brent nor Sonora were religious, but for some reason, Sonora had insisted on being married in a non-denominational church by a minister. It was strange, but the setting was gorgeous with the high vaulted ceilings and stained glass windows.

Luke glanced over at Brent and realized that he was deathly pale. His normally smiling face was pinched and grim, and his eyes appeared red rimmed.

“Man, are you okay?”

“No.” That was all Brent said, and Luke frowned.

The music changed to the wedding march and everyone stood.

As Kendall came to the front of the church Luke noticed the splotchy puffiness of her face. She’d been crying, and he noticed she kept looking away from the bridesmaids coming down the aisle to look at Brent. His friend never took his eyes off the back of the church.

When the ring bearer and flower girl, Brent’s niece and nephew, came tripping down the aisle as fast as their little toddler legs could carry them, Luke realized that Marley had never come down the aisle.

Maybe she’s after the kids.

Then Sonora came into the open doorway on her father’s arm. She wore an off-white mermaid style dress and long veil, making her look like she just stepped out of a magazine cover.

Catching Kendall’s eyes, he mouthed where’s Marley?

Kendall nodded toward Sonora. As the bride walked slowly, smiling and basking in the attention, Luke knew what Kendall’s nod had meant: Sonora had finally run Marley off.

Luke fumed, wanting nothing more than to walk out of the ceremony to go find her, but he couldn’t ditch Brent during his wedding.
