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Thanks to their teasing, his insecurities took a back seat. “They’re all good,” he called after them. Celia tossed him a grin over her shoulder.

Honor glanced toward the back wall. “I saw one that would be perfect for the baby’s room.”

He couldn’t help a small frown. “Guys, I don’t expect you all to buy, and I’m going to be really pissed if any of them are pity buys.”

Loyal gave him a light punch on the arm as he and Roxanna turned the opposite direction as Celia. “Pure investment, man. We’re getting a few Diamonds before you become famous and prices go through the roof.”


After they all dispersed, he was left with their parents once more. Or his mom, at least. His dad, always the politician, had been drawn into a conversation with a younger couple a few feet away.

His mom’s smile was happy, yet it held a tinge of sadness. “I’m so sorry you felt like you couldn’t tell us about this. We’re here for you no matter what, Merit. I hope you know that now.”

A lump formed in his throat as he nodded. “I do, Mom. Thank you.”

“Good. And I’m very glad Mae sent us the invite.” She scanned the room with a slight frown. “Where is she, anyway?”

His jaw tightened as he swept his gaze over the people toward the back hall where she’d disappeared. He’d have thought she’d come out with Honor, but she was nowhere to be seen. A tiny niggle of unease settled low in his gut.

“I’m not sure. We argued about the invite. I should go find her.”

“Yes, you should. And you’ve stayed away too long. I want to see more of her and Ian before the baby is born. Thanksgiving for sure.”

He nodded his agreement before striding toward the back. The room was empty, so he went back out by Asher and Honor. “Hey, did you find Mae before?”

His sister-in-law’s loose, red locks shifted over her shoulders as she shook her head. “I sent her a text, and she said she wasn’t feeling well and was going home.”

“I drove and I have the keys.”

“Oh.” Honor’s brow dipped. “She probably called a ride, then.”

He checked his own phone, but she hadn’t sent him a thing. “How long ago?”

“Maybe ten minutes. Is everything okay?”


Merit ignored the question as he ran his gaze around the gallery. Claudia and her two staffers looked to be busy with sales up at the front desk. Invited guests all appeared to be having a great time, and his family had accepted his art with unconditional love.

None of that did a damn thing to ease the weight on his shoulders. He’d told Mae this meant everything to him, but looking at the room right now, it meant nothing compared to her. After what happened earlier, he had to tell her she was his everything.


Urgency sped his steps as he strode toward the back while pulling his keys from his pocket.

“Where’s he going?” he heard Loyal ask Asher and Honor a second before he rounded the corner into the back hall.

He didn’t wait to hear their response before breaking into a jog to shove out the door into the parking lot.

Chapter 31

Mae braced a hand against the side of Merit’s SUV when another sharp pain contracted her abdomen. As she breathed through the worst of it, her brain screamed this isn’t right! She’d told him earlier in the day the cramping was Braxton Hicks, but she was afraid these latest ones were more than that.

The cold November air snuck up under the hem of her dress and sent a shiver down her spine as she swallowed past a lump of fear in her throat. It was too early. She wasn’t due for another seven weeks.

Her first impulse was to call Merit so they could go to the hospital to get everything checked out, but her heart ached as his words echoed in her head.

“This means more to me than anything.”
