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The words had struck her like a physical blow. Her heart split wide open, an

d she’d done the very thing she’d accused him of doing—run away.

Nothing in her life was more important than her family, with Ian, the baby, and Merit at the very top of the list. They were all well above Lockhart Construction even. She’d give up her company in a heartbeat if it meant guaranteeing she wouldn’t lose any of them.

Should’ve thought of that before ignoring what Merit wanted so you could do what you thought was best.

Yes, she should’ve. She should’ve tried talking to him again, but she hadn’t wanted to start a fight. She’d accused him of being afraid, and it turned out she was just as much of a coward. Maybe even more so. She’d—wrongly—thought forcing him to out himself to his family at the showing was the best option.

Honor had texted her a few minutes ago about the conversation between Merit and his family. Even knowing things worked out okay didn’t ease her guilt over betraying her promise to him. At the time, she’d justified the wrong action with the right reason, but seeing the look on his face, hearing him say he didn’t know how he’d trust her with anything again, she knew she’d been wrong.

And for that, she could very well lose him.

The start of another pain shifted her focus to the baby. She checked the time on her phone to see four and a half minutes had passed since the last one. Being that close together, she didn’t have time to call a rideshare service and wait for a car to show up.

Her hand shook as she called Honor. The moment her friend picked up, she bit back a sob.

“Mae, what’s the matter? Where are you?”

“Outside. I haven’t left yet, and something is wrong.” Fear trembled in her voice. “I think I’m in labor.”

“All right, hang on. We will be right out there.”

The we spiked her alarm. “No—don’t say anything to Merit! I don’t want to ruin his night any more than I already have.”

“He’s already on his way out. I told him you went home and he left—”



She twisted around at the sound of Merit’s voice behind her. Tears sprang to her eyes at the sight of him. “You should be inside.”

“Not without you. If you’re going home, I’m going home.”

She had no chance to answer as the contraction escalated. She cried out and doubled over from the pain as her phone clattered to the asphalt.

He was beside her in an instant, putting an arm around her back while he used his free hand to grip hers. “What’s wrong?”

“I think I’m in labor.”

“Now?” His voice rose an octave. “Isn’t it too early?”

She nodded, squeezing his hand hard as she breathed through the pain.

“We’re going to the hospital,” he said firmly, as if he expected her to argue.

Mae nodded again as Asher and Honor’s urgent voices registered behind them. Merit turned to hand them the keys, then helped her into the back seat of the SUV and climbed in beside her. He fastened her seatbelt, then his, while Honor handed over Mae’s phone before sliding into the driver’s seat. Asher said he’d meet them there and dashed off to his vehicle.

As Honor pulled out of the lot, Merit’s hand found Mae’s again and squeezed. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

Hot tears leaked down her cheeks. “You’re doing it.”

He reached to cup her face, his thumb brushing the wet track on her cheek. “I need you to know, Mae, you mean more than anything to me. You, the baby, and Ian. Everything else comes after. I’m sorry about what I said before. I was too angry to think about what I was saying.”

As her contraction eased and his words registered, emotion welled up. Regret, amazement, gratitude. She reached to cover his hand with hers. “It’s me who needs to apologize, not you. And I am so very sorry. I never should’ve invited your family without you knowing.”

“I’m not going to argue that, but it’s hard to stay mad given the outcome.”
