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A hint of his former good humor returned. “Let me decide for myself what I think.”

“It was...the way she looked at you.”

He seemed bewildered. “Looked at me when?”

“In the Morning Room, just now.”

He shook his head. Slowly. “You’re basing your suspicions on a look?”

“Yes. Yes, I am. It was a hurt, hungry sort of look. A very intense look.”

“I have to say, I missed it completely.”

“It was very fast. There and then gone. Just like that. And you weren’t looking at her when it happened.”

“Let me guess. I was looking at you. That should tell you something, don’t you think?”

“This isn’t about me and you. It’s about Melinda.”

“From where I’m standing, I would say it’s very much about you and me. About whether you trust me—or not.”

“I do trust you.” For that, she got a grunt of disbelief. And she could easily grunt right back at him. He did have secrets, things he wouldn’t—or couldn’t—share with her.

But she didn’t believe that Melinda was one of them. He’d been frank and open with her about his former girlfriend.

It was Melinda she was worried about. “I think she’s still in love with you.”

He groaned. “That’s insane. With an extra helping of crazy sauce.”

“Oh, well. Thank you very much.”

“She was never in love with me. I told you how it was.”

“You told me how it was for you. You told me about the agreement you had with her. You really can’t have any idea what was going on inside her head and heart—and stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like I’m a few mallets short of a full croquet set.”

“I do not think you’ve lost your mind.”

“Oh, excuse me. Wasn’t it you just talking about crazy sauce?”

“I was exaggerating for the sake of affect.”

“Gee, Rafe. Good to know.”

“And Gen, I have to say, I do think you’re very...possessive.”

“Of course I’m possessive. You’re my husband. I’ve made it very clear I don’t want you fooling around.”

“Then we can stop this conversation right here. I’m not fooling around.”

“You’re also not understanding what I’m trying to tell you.”

“No kidding.”

Men were so dense. “Rafe, I’m not only possessive, I’m feeling insecure.”


“Oh, please. You married me because I’m having your baby.”

He blinked. Bright hope rose within her, that he might take issue with the point, say he’d married her because he wanted to marry her.

Didn’t happen. “So?”

So I’m in love with you, you idiot. She opened her mouth to say it. “So, I’m...” And then she just couldn’t. She took the coward’s way. “I have...worries, doubts about whether we’ll make it together in the long run.”

“We’ll make it.” He said it grimly, with determination. As though their marriage was some long, hard slog he’d set himself on, a goal he would reach no matter the cost.

She held on to her patience and spoke with admirable calm, she thought. “Rafe, I’m only saying that a baby coming is probably not the best reason to marry someone.”

“It’s a fine reason. A damn good enough reason.”

“Yes, well. All right. It’s reason enough for us.”

“What in hell are you getting at?”

Oh, this was not going well at all. “I’m, er... We have an agreement, that’s what. Last night, you agreed to be true to me.”

He threw up both hands. “I don’t know what you’re worried about. How much clearer can I make myself? I haven’t for years and am never again, under any circumstances, having it off with Melinda Cartside. I don’t want anyone but you. If I’ve yet to convince you of that, let me see what I can do.”

And with that, he grabbed her by the arms, hauled her close and slammed his mouth down on hers in an angry, punishing kiss.

She twisted her mouth away. “Rafe. Please...” His dark eyes burned down at her. She fully expected to see smoke coming out of his ears. “Rafe...” She flattened both hands on his chest that time, to put at least a few inches between his body and hers. His big heart was pounding away in there, like a giant hammer against a thick stone wall. He looked down at her hands. But he didn’t take them in his this time. Then again, he didn’t jerk away, either. “Rafe, I’m... I don’t want anyone but you, either.” Because I’m in love with you. Totally, completely, achingly in love with you.
