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“But tonight...?”

“I knew I had to tell you.”


“Because you didn’t come home last night. Because I was afraid I had lost you, lost you without ever telling you what you mean to me. I knew last night that if—when—we brought you back to us, there would be no more putting it off.”

The tears came then. She swiped them away. “Come here. Right now.” She grabbed him against her, jostling her injured ankle in the process. “Ow!”

He tried to pull away. “Your ankle...”

She pulled him close again. “It’s fine.”


“Wrap your arms around me, Rafe. Do it now.”

He kicked off his shoes, swung his long legs up on the bed and gathered her into his embrace. “Satisfied?”

She kissed his throat, his chin, his mouth. She traced the crescent scar and he didn’t object or try to stop her. And then she said, “I’m in love with you, too. Maybe I’ve always been in love with you, from the very first, when I was only five. However long it’s been that I’ve been yours in my heart, I couldn’t let myself admit that you were the one I loved. I thought it was Hartmore that I longed for. I was such a fool.”


“Yes. I was. A fool. I couldn’t see my love for you until after you married me and we had a life together and I realized that somehow, in spite of my own idiocy and pigheadedness, I had gotten exactly what I wanted, what I needed, whom I loved. I used to be blind. But I’m not blind now. I love you with all my heart, Rafe. And I only want to be exactly where I am—and I’m not talking about Hartmore. I would be your wife if we both woke up tomorrow without Hartmore, without a penny to our names. I would still count myself a lucky woman, as long as I could be at your side in the daytime, and in your big arms at night.”

He pulled her closer. “It won’t be a problem. I’m going nowhere. You’re stuck with me.”

“Good. That’s exactly my plan.”

“Forever, Gen.”

“Yes, Rafe. Forever and always. We are together in all the ways that matter. We have the truth, together. We have love and commitment and family—and a little one on the way. And nothing and no one can ever tear us apart.”


December 18

Genny told Rory goodbye and hung up the phone. Outside, night was falling. A light snow drifted down.

Brooke, over at the window, looked up from the baby she held in her arms. “Thomas Richard DeValery. I like it. And I swear. Two days old and he already looks just like Rafe.”

Genny chuckled. “Oh, he’s a handsome one, all right.”

Brooke came back to the bed and gently put Tommy into his bassinet. She gazed down at him adoringly. “I think I’m going to love being an auntie.”

Genny sighed and settled back against the pillows. “It’s wonderful, believe me. Aunties get all the glory and they rarely have to say the word no.”

“Yes.” Brooke slanted her a grin. “Being an auntie is definitely for me—and how are you feeling?”

“As though I’ve been run down by a lorry. But it’s better every day. I had to walk up and down hospital hallways more than once before they’d let us out of there.”

“Take it easy.”

“Well, Brooke. You know that’s not my style.”

Brooke made a face at her. “You’ve always been disgustingly resilient. I had postpartum with Geoffrey. It was grim. But I know you’ll be up and singing Christmas carols by tomorrow morning, checking on the roof project, telling everyone what to do.”

“And you’d better do what I tell you to,” Genny advised. “Or you’ll be sorry.”

Brooke said, “You’re such a bitch.”

And Genny said, “It’s good that we have so much in common.” And they both started laughing—until Genny put her hand to her stomach and groaned. “Don’t make me laugh. Not for a day or two yet anyway.”

The door out in the sitting room opened and shut. Rafe appeared. Genny’s heart lifted just at the sight of him. “Geoffrey’s looking for you,” he said to his sister. “He wants your help wrapping presents. The Sellotape is not cooperating. Granny said she’d help, but he claims you wrap the prettiest packages and he wants his to look as good as yours.”

“I’m on it. Genevra, are you hungry? I can have something sent up....”

“Thanks. Not right now.”

Rafe said, “I’ll see that she eats something later.” Brooke left them. Rafe took her place by the bassinet. “Look at him. Sleeping so peacefully. Not a care in the world...”
