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Nothing. They remained closed.

“Rome is going to hate this,” Caleb said, pulling her attention away from his dad.

“What?” she asked.

“Being in the hospital. He doesn’t mind visiting people, but he hates them. You always said, Mom, that he was going to have to get used to them.”

“I was a fool.” Jane let out a whimper, and Andy watched as her husband came toward her, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s all right, Jane. He is going to make it through.”

“You don’t know that.”

“Rome Hard is a strong man. He will make it through. He has to. The boy has work still to do.”

Jane sniffled and then chuckled. “Theo, honey, you can’t…”

Andy watched as the couple shared a moment. Their bond was so strong. She couldn’t help but think about Rome.

This was too much. The pain.

They hadn’t been together long, but Rome might not make it. Sometimes people didn’t make it through surgery, and the thought of having to say goodbye to Rome was too much.

“I’m going to go grab a coffee,” Andy said. “Do you want one?”

Lilly and Eliza declined a cup.

Caleb offered to help.

She thanked him, but the truth was, she needed some time alone.

On the way through to the cafeteria, Caleb put a hand on her shoulder, stopping her. “You can collapse now,” he said.

Andy frowned at him.

“I get it. Let it go. You’re scared.”

She couldn’t keep putting on an act, and with her back against the wall, she pressed her hands to her knees and leaned forward, gasping. It was like she couldn’t breathe. “He has to make it through.”

“He will. He’s going to want to see you, speak to you.”

She nodded her head. “I need to see and speak with him as well.”

Andy took several deep breaths, feeling the pain strike her hard and fast, but she ignored it. Rome needed her to be strong right now, not weak. She had to be there for him.

Caleb wouldn’t allow her to move on until she was ready. They walked to the cafeteria together, and they took the coffees they needed to head back to Rome’s parents.

As they arrived, Andy stopped.

Jane and Theodore were talking to the doctor.

Chapter Eight

“I’m not staying here for one moment longer than I have to,” Rome said. He stared at the full hospital room.

His parents were on either side of him. Caleb and Lilly were to the left. James and Eliza were to the right.

Andy, his love, was between them.

The doctors had all been in to check and probe him. Telling him how lucky he was to have made it, and all that bullshit. He got it, he was lucky, but the only person he wanted to talk to was standing right there, so close and yet too far away to his liking.

“Rome Hard, you will stay for as long as the doctors tell you, and not a moment before,” his mother said.

“I’m fine. I have no memory loss.”

“Just a shattered leg, a couple of bruised ribs, and a slight concussion,” James said.

“See, I got off lucky.” He wanted to be alone with his woman.

Andy looked so fucking pale. He wanted to ask someone to comfort her, but he would be pissed off if anyone but him wrapped their arms around her.

“I was looking forward to our dinner,” he said.

She smiled at him. “There will be lots of other dinners.” She moved a little closer and put her hand on his leg, the one that wasn’t injured.

“You’re going to be on the necessary bed rest,” his father said. “Tomorrow, I will start calling your clients. They will all be notified of what’s happening and that you won’t be able to work for them for a while.”

“Dad, come on. I’m in a hospital bed. The least I could do is some work. It will be fine.”

“No, it won’t. You’re going to get better.”

“When you’re home, we will think about it. I’ll get your room set up,” his mother said.

“I can take care of him,” Andy said.

They all turned toward her.

“You have work, dear.”

“I know, but I’ve got some vacation days I can use. I don’t mind taking care of him. Keeping him in line and not letting him work,” she said.

“I’ve got no problem with that,” Rome said. He saw how hurt his mother was, and he took her hand. “Mom, it’s nearly Christmas. You do your cookie bake-off, remember, and your cakes? That’s important.”

“You’re more important.”

“I already feel like a giant pain in the ass for not driving slower. I didn’t even realize about the black ice. Please, do not let me change tradition. You know how much the kids love your baking.”

“I will be by to help as often as I can,” Jane said.

“I know.” He looked at his family. “Can I have a moment alone with Andy, please?”

They all agreed, and one by one, they left the room.
