Page 45 of Desert Barbarian

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'I bet you'd hit me back,' she said sulkily.

'You'd win your bet,' he answered mockingly.

Marie moved to rise, but he was pinioning her down with his one hand and she dared not struggle too hard for hear of hurting him.

'I've got to go,' she said crossly.

'Kiss me goodnight, then,' he said softly.

She glared at him. 'I certainly will not!'

'Walls have eyes in this place,' he said. 'I'm pretty sure that servant doesn't speak much English, but I know he watches me through the keyhole because I've seen him at it.' The dark eyes flicked over her mockingly. 'So be a good girl and give me a kiss.'

Marie hesitated, then bent slowly forward. His hand left her fingers and came up to clasp her head, pulling her down towards him, until their lips met. The kiss was gentle for a moment, his mouth warmly coaxing. Then fire blazed between them and she felt her self-control slip from her like a straw in a tidal flood.

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Against her mouth he whispered, 'You drive me crazy, do you know that?'

'Do I?' Her voice was husky, she pulled away from him to stare down into the brightness of his eyes. 'I hadn't noticed.'

'You're too busy convincing yourself you hate me to notice anything,' he drawled.

'What are you saying? What do you really mean?' She knew she was on the point of tears. He was tormenting her with this cat-and-mouse game, aware that she found him irresistible, enjoying the ability to arouse her when­ever he wished. 'I never understand you, Stonor.'

'Oh, you understand me,' he drawled, kissing the curve of her naked arm inside her elbow. 'You know how I feel about you.'

'I don't… I wish I did…'

His dark eyes grew hot as he stared at her, his mouth deliberately lingering on her white skin, travelling slowly down towards her wrist.

'I want to take you to bed,' he said thickly. 'You're lovely and desirable and I want you. It's my misfortune that this time I've fallen for a girl who's only half alive, who prefers to be treated like a pretty doll than to be treated as a woman…'

'This time?' She picked up the words jealously. 'Yes, how many other times have there been, Stonor? How many other women in your life?'

'Did you imagine I'd led the life of a monk?'

'Any man I married would have to intend to be faith­ful to me for the rest of his life,' she said miserably.

'Were we talking about marriage?' he asked gravely.

She flushed. 'I know you weren't, but I'm not going to bed with you as casually as I would choose a hat, Stonor. When I fall in love it's going to be for keeps.'

'And I don't qualify,' he murmured.

'You don't play the game by my rules,' she said.

'Love has no rules, darling,' he said.

'It has where I'm concerned.'

'You've a lot to learn.'

'Not from you!' she flung.

'From who, then? This ineffective young archaeologist you've picked up? He looked as inexperienced as you are.'

'Then perhaps we'll learn together,' she retorted, stand­ing up and moving away towards the door.
