Page 57 of Desert Barbarian

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Marie sat up. 'Yes, please. I'm hungry.'

Jeremy eyed her. 'So am I. I'll have another breakfast with you, if you like, to keep you company.'

She laughed. 'You'd better ask Mummy first.'

Jess looked at her with pleasure when she entered the living room. 'You look much better this morning. You looked a bit dead last night.'

'I was dead beat,' she nodded.

'What about breakfast? There's fruit and bread and a few eggs.'

'That will be lovely,' she said eagerly.

Jeremy begged to join her in her meal, but Jess drove him away. 'Little pig, he eats far too much in that kitchen. Stonor Grey will be here soon. Apparently he's determined to get you back to England today.'

'Today?' Marie stared at her incredulously.

Jess laughed. 'A man of lightning decisions, apparently.'

'He can't! I'm not even packed!'

'That can be dealt with in a flash,' Jess said easily. 'I'm not sure whether it's a good idea or not. You've had a bad shock, even though you've taken it so well, and I can't make up my mind whether or not it's wise to fly you back to England so quickly. You need some peace and quiet, in my opinion, but I may be wrong.'

Marie stared at the table. 'I think I would like to be back home.'

'Well, it's true that the monsoon weather will be start­ing soon, and that can be pretty devastating for anyone. Perhaps you should leave before the heat becomes un­bearable.'

Lispa came in with the food, smiling warmly at Marie. While she ate her breakfast, Jess talked to her. 'Lispa can pack for you while you talk to your young man.'

'My young man!' Marie giggled. 'It hardly describes Stonor, does it?'

Jess laughed. 'No, not really. He's pretty impressive, isn't he? A bit like a monolith.'

Then Stonor was in the room, and Marie hardly no­ticed as Jess discreetly slipped away.

He kissed her hungrily, awaking her sleeping pulses. 'Darling, I'm so glad to see you,' she said, touching his face tenderly.

'Are you packed?' he demanded. 'I'm taking you home before all hell breaks loose.'

'What do you mean?' She stared at him in bewilder­ment.

'Aziz has run off with Aissa,' he said grimly. 'The King is furious. He was swearing vengeance on his cousin when I saw him this morning. I think we should get out today. Life at the palace is going to be very hectic after this.'

Marie looked anxiously at him. 'What will the King do?'

'What can he do? Apparently they flew off in a private plane, nobody knows where, leaving a note which said they were getting married. Lord Hathni is even angrier than the King. He'll lose face because his son is breaking a betrothal.'

'Oh, dear,' Marie said faintly. 'I think you're right —we must go home at once. I think the air here is too stormy.'

Stonor lifted her out of her chair. 'Say goodbye to Jess and the little boy. I want to get you all to myself as soon as possible. I can't wait another week to marry you. We'll get a special licence when we get home.'

'Are you sweeping me off my feet, Stonor?' she teased.

'That's right,' he retorted. 'I'm going to make sure you don't escape me ever again. Consider yourself my pris­oner for life.'

She slid her arms around his neck and lifted her face to his. 'You really are just a desert barbarian at heart, aren't you?'

The dark eyes burned down at her. He smiled ador­ingly and their lips met. Against her lips he whispered, 'There's a saying in my mother's country: what the desert claims, the desert keeps… remember that, my darling.'
