Page 21 of Being Hospitable

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“I’m not seeing any cons on your handy graph.” I looked up at him and his eyes sparkled with amusement.

“Because there aren’t any. Even my annoying you is a positive.”

“How do you figure that?”

“Easy, because you enjoy it. Yes, I push your buttons from time to time, but never to a point where you don’t also push back. Believe me, I have no doubt should I really, truly, piss you off, you’d let me know with a quickness.”

I looked away and stabbed the squash and ate it to buy some time. He did annoy me. We had jack shit in common. And he was so not like any other man I’d ever been interested in. My total and complete opposite in all his frustrating glory. Yet, I was drawn to him for some unknown reason. And he seemed to be just as drawn to me.

“We have fun,” I whispered mostly to myself.

“We have fun,” he agreed.

I looked over at him. “Why am I always the one apologizing?”

“Cuz I’m flawless perfection and never do wrong?” he replied without missing a beat.

I doubled over laughing. Cocky bastard. I wiped tears from my eyes and got myself under control. “I...I don’t think that’s it at all, but I’ll let you pretend.” I took a breath and picked up my wine. “I’m sorry for my behavior earlier,” I mumbled from behind my glass.

“It’s all good. No harm done.”

“No, it’s...I don’t know why I got all worked up. You do have a talent for making me act out of character. Have since before I even met you.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

I took another sip. “Yes. I’m on unfamiliar ground and it makes me uneasy. And no, because I’m learning that being spontaneous isn’t all bad.”

He slid his hand along the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him. My gaze focused on his lips and I pressed my own together.

“Look, Ma, I know you said overthinking is your happy place and shit, but slow that brain of yours down. I like you. You reluctantly like me.”

I laughed at the qualifier he threw in.

“The worst that can happen is we don’t work out and you can go back to pretending I don’t exist. Until then, if you’re willing, let’s just enjoy the moment and see where it leads us.”

Damn him for making logical and surprisingly well thought out sense.

“Do more dinners come with this deal?”

His pearly whites went on full display. “I thought food w

as the way to a man’s heart.”

“I think that is more of a sexist saying to get women to do the cooking.”

He nodded and laughed. “If I can get cookies, you can get steak.”

I sat back and extended my hand. “Deal.”

He grabbed it and shook. “See Ma, who would have thought you being cordial to me would have worked out so well for both of us.”

I leaned forward and kissed him. “Are you going to gloat?”

“Damn right I will.”

I smiled and whispered, “Fuck me.”

“Yes, ma’am.”
