Page 22 of Being Hospitable

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Six months later

* * *

Ma set the steaming mug of black coffee next to my work station and kissed my cheek.

“Morning, sexy. And thanks,” I said, giving a quick swat to her ass as she walked away.

“You’re welcome. How long have you been up?”

I glanced at the clock in the corner of my PC. “Only about half an hour. I wanted to get a jump on building this tower. Well, rebuilding best I can after their botched attempt. Seriously who the fuck orders computer parts instead of just one already built if they’ve never done it before? Folks think they can learn everything from watching damn YouTube or some shit.”

I pushed my glasses up to the crown of my head and watched the hypnotic sway of her hips as she went to join Ren on the futon. The T-shirt she wore barely covered her and her panty-less bottom peeked out as a tease beneath the white cotton.

“Beats me. I wouldn’t even know what to order.” She spoke through a yawn.

“That’s what you have me for.”

She folded her shapely legs under her and nodded. “Yup, just one of the many reasons I keep you around.” She blew an air kiss in my direction.

“Glad to know I’ve not outlived my usefulness.”

In the months we’d been dating our differences had worked to our advantage. She’d slowly taken over the billing aspect of my business, suggesting better accounting software and keeping way more detailed records than I’d cared to. She was the spreadsheet and numbers wizard so I let her have at it. I knew she needed the semblance of order, and I honestly didn’t mind conceding to her on some things.

Meanwhile anytime someone at her company had computer issues she sent them to me, and I’d somehow become their unofficial after-hours IT person.

The spending nights together had evolved like everything else, on its own without much thought—on my part—being given or what it meant being dissected. Most of those nights were at my place and I’d made plenty of jokes about her using me to get the unit she was originally after. Not that I minded if it meant her being the last person I saw at night and the first one in the mornings.

I slid my glasses back in place and returned my attention to the tower in front of me. My gaze went to the drawer to my right. I licked my lips and picked up the mug. Hopefully the bitter liquid would help replace the moisture that had drained from my mouth. Where the fuck had nerves come from? This was nuts. Her damned overthinking habit had rubbed off on me at the worst damn time.

I’d already made up my mind. Yet, I’d been sitting on that decision for well over a week, thinking through all the possible roadblocks she could throw my way. But I knew this was the right move. I shot a look over to where she sat sipping her tea and flipping through the papers she’d left on the table the night before.

I’d put a desk in the third bedroom so she’d have a place to work, but most times she ended up right where she was, curled up on the futon while we each worked without disturbing each other. I pulled open the drawer and grabbed the gold box that had been hidden in there for the last week.

“Heads up,” I called out. She looked up and I tossed it to her.

“Oh shit. What the hell?”

Ren lifted his head and if I didn’t know better, I’d swear his little ass scowled at us before he jumped down and left the room. I was sure he was headed to the guest bedroom since he’d quickly claimed that space as his own. Sleeping most nights in the middle of the queen-sized bed.

“Got you something.”

“I can see that, but could you give it to me like a normal person?”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

Thank fuck my voice didn’t betray the full-fledged nerves that took over at that moment. I watched in silence as she lifted the gold cardboard lid to reveal the blue velvet box contained within.

Lana looked up at me. “Emilio?”

I took my glasses off and set them next to the coffee mug. “Are you going to open it?”

Keeping her eyes on me, she dumped the smaller box into the palm of her hand. It opened with a soft creak and she finally tore her gaze away to look down. She didn’t say a word, which did jack shit for my peace of mind. In slow motion, she put the box down and walked over to me. Leaning down, she kissed me. Our lips connected, soft at first, but the intensity quickly took over. Tongues mashed together and I stood, keeping our connection. I grabbed at her bare ass pulling her close. She broke free and yanked me from my office toward our bedroom. Our. Yeah, I liked the sound of that.

With a quick shove, Ma pushed me back so I fell onto the bed. I didn’t even get to speak as she made quick work of discarding her T-shirt. My dick tented my boxers but not for long as she pulled them free before straddling me. Again our mouths met. I palmed her tits, squeezing them and letting my thumbs graze across her hard nipples. Fuck, I didn’t care she hadn’t answered me, the only thing that mattered was the warmth of her body that surrounded me as she lowered herself.

I’d never get tired of the skin to skin feel of being inside her sans condom. A trip to the doctor for STI screening and the fact she had an IUD made this glorious moment possible. She looked at me, eyes wide and glassy and began to move. Slow and easy. I grabbed her ass and lifted my head to capture one of her nipples in my mouth as her breasts swung forward.
