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“Why do you ask?” I asked curiously.

“Because he’s pissed. I know it’s Tray and he’s pretty—well—pretty tight-assed about stuff, you know. But something’s off with him. The guys want to go to the casino tonight and Tray said he didn’t give a shit where we go. That’s not Tray. Tray’s either up for the casino or he’s not. When he says he doesn’t give a shit—it means something’s off.” He drank some of my Diet Coke and continued, “So, what’s up with you two?”

“I don’t know how it’s any of your business,” I remarked, grabbing my glass away from him.

“Oh!” His eyes lit up. “So you two did have a fight? Wow. This is…this is a mile-marker—Tray’s upset because of a girl.”

“You make him sound like he’s made of stone or something.”

“Last time Tray was upset about a girl was in the seventh grade when Kimberly Farnum moved away…before she gave him a blow job. He was really pissed.”

I literally watched the Invisibles shrink further into the booth. I wonder if they knew what a blow job was.

I sighed annoyed. “Thanks, but I can assure you this has nothing to do with blow-jobs. Is he here?”

“Yeah,” Carter grabbed my pop again, “we’re around the corner. He called and wanted to grab a burger. I just happened to see you ‘cause I was heading to the bathroom.”

I drank the rest of my Diet Coke.

Carter was watching me, waiting for a response. “So?” he asked expectantly.

I shrugged. “Look…yeah…something went down, but I’m not telling you about it.”

“Well, can you go over and get it on with him? I mean, Tray’s not any fun when he’s like this. You can use my car.”

Okay. Seriously? I smacked him in the head.

“Ouch,” he murmured, rubbing his head. “What the hell?”

“Want me to smack you again,” I dared him.

“Fine.” He shrugged, standing up. “But man, Taryn, go and talk to him at least.”

“I can’t,” I said stiffly.

“Why not?”

“Because, I don’t know what I’ll say, okay? Now leave. It’s none of your business.” I pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

He rolled his eyes, but he got up and went to the bathroom. I knew he’d probably have something more to say when he came back.

Molly, Angela, and Kayden were watching me—all three of them had their eyes glued to me. Progress!

“What?” I asked.

Of course, Angela and Kayden looked away.

Molly was in awe. “We just sat at the same table as Carter Sethlers. Oh. My. Goodness. Holy. Light. Sockets.”

I loved this girl.

“Molly,” I murmured, “you could’ve said hi.”

“Right.” She was still reveling. “Carter Sethlers sat here. Here. With us. Can you believe it?”

She blinked, realizing it did just happen. “I mean—” She flushed, grabbing her drink.
