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“You and Tray?” Mandy asked. “I don’t think so. I mean, I don’t know what they talk about. They were in a fight the last two days though. Musta made up. Hmmm…I love the making up part.”

“Yeah, I heard about you and Devon. He’s an ass and has such poor taste. Jasmine. Seriously?”

Alright. I’m on the fence with this girl. She could be cool, but there was something about her that rubbed me the wrong way. She reminded me of a slippery eel…just slippery.

“Shut up, Tristan,” Mandy said sharply. “We’re over that now.”

“Whatever. Just saying. I’m guessing Amber wasn’t real helpful, was she?” Tristan laughed, the sound hollow.

“Just because,” Mandy started, I could hear the irritation in her voice, “Amber didn’t have your back doesn’t mean it’s the same situation. Devon and Tray are different. Much different.”

“You’re right. Devon’s a puppy compared to Tray,” Tristan said amusedly.

That bitch. I made up my mind—I didn’t like her.

The bitch was baiting Mandy, purposely. Like she was testing out the territory.

“Hey, Mandy!” I called out, strolling into her bedroom. I paused in the doorway. Mandy was standing in the middle of the room. Erin was on the bed, her knees drawn up to her chest. Tristan was standing over Mandy’s vanity table, inspecting her pictures, looking like she owned the place.

“Taryn,” Mandy murmured weakly. I could see she was grateful for the interruption.

I saw the appraisal in Tristan’s eyes. I didn’t know what she was appraising or who, but, fuck, I didn’t like it.

I spoke coolly, “Mandy doesn’t need Amber to back her up. She’s got me now.”

Holy shit—I saw the shock flash in Tristan’s eyes. She knew full well I’d been standing there, listening to her belittle Mandy. I guess she expected me to come in and throw up a façade that I hadn’t been listening. The girl needed to learn—that’s not me. At all. I had no patience for those who played games.

“Excuse me?” Tristan asked smoothly.

I looked at Mandy and commented, “I came to grab a bag. Call if you need anything. I’ll be at Tray’s.”

“Okay,” Mandy breathed out. She got my message—I’d have her back no matter what, even if I didn’t agree with her choice of boyfriend or friends. I was her sister, and that wasn’t going to change.

I looked at Tristan one last time and then left. In my room, I quickly grabbed some clothes and packed everything I’d need for a few days. I wasn’t going to be getting all dressed up if I was correct in my assumption of what Tray and I would be doing to pass the time. Clothes weren’t needed for that activity.

When I got downstairs, Tristan was standing in the kitchen. I heard the television on downstairs, so I assumed Mandy and Erin were there.

“Taryn,” Tristan spoke up, straightening from the counter, “I…uh…”

“Yeah?” I asked, letting my bag drop to the ground, waiting to hear what she had to say.

“I think we might’ve gotten off on the wrong foot,” she said uncertainly, shifting on her feet. “I…I’m not around that often,” she lifted her shoulder, looking innocently at me,” but I consider Mandy one of my best friends. It doesn’t help when Amber and Jasmine always have her in their clutches.”

“I’ve seen,” I murmured, still cautious of her. She seemed genuine, but there was still something off about the girl.

“Yeah…she told me a long time ago that her parents were going to adopt. They’d been approached by an old friend, I guess, and asked if they’d be interested in adopting,” she faltered, clearing her throat. “I just…I’m just a little jealous. I mean, here you are, in Mandy’s life. Mandy adores you and I’m jealous because I used to be her best friend.”

“Look,” I began, feeling uncomfortable, “Mandy’s never talked about you, so I don’t know anything about you and her being best friends.”

“It’s not just that,” Tristan said insistently, taking a step towards me. “It’s Tray too.”

I stayed silent.

“He’s someone I used to care about. Like, a lot. We were together for a while and I’ve never gotten over him, I guess.”

“I know how it sounds.” She chuckled self-consciously. “Here’s this girl, coming off all jealous of your life and…I’m not pathetic or psychotic. Really, I’m not. I know you were just being protective of Mandy upstairs. I don’t want you and me to get off on the wrong foot. That’s all…I’d really like to be your friend. For Mandy’s sake.”

She’s taking time away from me and Tray. In bed.

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