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Gentley held up his hand in a surrender movement. “No, man.” He took two steps backward. “Taryn and I were just going to have a talk. That’s it, man.”

“About what?” Tray clipped out, moving to stand, just slightly, in front of me.

“Look,” Gentley tried to assure us, “you and I already did our business. We’re good. I was just heading out and I saw Taryn. I thought I might give her a head’s up. I got a call that her ex is heading here. It’s why I was leaving.” He looked at me. “Booth was my ride here, I was coming to get him so we could leave.”

Brian was coming. That’s all I’d heard.

And of course—just like magic—a car pulled up in front of the house, rap music blaring through its open windows.

Three of the doors opened and guys piled out and leading the pack, was Brian.

And leading the pack, was Brian.

When he looked up, he froze, seeing us on the porch, three steps in front of him.

He took in Gentley, then his eyes trailed over Tray and me. They lingered on my hand that I’d unknowingly placed on Tray’s back.

I snatched it back, but fisted it, immediately regretting it. Tray turned to look at me and moved back to take in Brian.

The guys behind him, Rice and Hax all shut up when they saw me. Interesting, Hax was one of Jace’s guys.

Slowly, the sound echoing, Brian climbed up the steps and stopped, turning to face us. Hax and Rice stayed behind.

Gentley was pushed to the back of the porch, and to the back of my mind. I stepped in front of Tray this time as I faced off against Brian.

“Hey.” He nodded to me.

I relaxed slightly at the soft tone of his voice.

“Hey,” I breathed out.

He gestured behind me. “You and Ass Face friends now?”

Gentley wisely remained quiet.

“A cold day in hell.” I grinned tensely.

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Brian nodded to Rice and Hax. “Go in,” he ordered.

They went in. Hax looked at me, lingering a moment before Brian shoved him inside and pulled the door shut behind.

He shrugged his shoulder towards the cars. “You should know, Grayley drove us. He’ll be here pretty soon.”

“Fine. I’ll leave.”

“Taryn,” Brian groaned—and we’d just entered Drama Land of the Past . “It’s not even like that. You have to know that.”

“You both lied to me. It’s exactly like that,” I said firmly.

“Oh for the fucking hell—it’s not! There are reasons, Taryn. Very good reasons,” he appealed to me. “Come on. There has to be for Geezer—Geezer!—to lie, too. We’re trying to protect you—”

“I don’t need your protection,” I cried out.

“Yeah,” Brian said shortly, “you do. You’ve always needed it.”

“Oh please!” I was so pissed, but I was reasonable enough to realize a lot of what I was feeling was from past shit. History that had never been resolved. “You’re a moron, Brian!”

“I’m a moron?!” He laughed angrily. “You fucking screwed my brother. That’s a moron. You’re a moron for doing that.”
