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So I moved to the next floor and proceeded, until every empty room had been surveyed.

Nothing. So this left me with a dilemma—the two guards in the surveillance room.

Two large, able-bodied guards.

But everything I needed, or could use to get my hands on, sat right before their hands and feet.

So this meant that I either had to get Tray in here for him to do the deed…or I had to take down these two burly guys.

So I did what every proud standing burglar would do.

I grabbed my taser in one hand, a pipe in the other and I headed in.

Surprise was pretty much my only element. As I hit one guy on the back of his head, using every ounce of my body strength behind the pipe, I scrambled and quickly tasered the second guy.

And both went down…after a few more jolts for my own safety.

I downloaded everything I could get my hands on. I remembered everything, everything, that Geezer had taught me. I’m not a computer hacker extraordinaire, apparently not even as much as Tray is or Props or Geezer, but I could hold my own if it came down to it. Bottom line. I could do enough damage, but what I couldn’t get…the guards knew I was there. They’d seen me. I was probably on their video surveillance, somewhere, and so I took the pipe and rained free.

The printers went first.

The keyboards bounced up and down, the buttons popped out.


The chairs smashed against the walls.

The desks were overturned.


The cables were yanked out of the walls and they came crashing down.

The televisions were pulled down, kicked over.


And I turned, my chest heaving, my heart beat deafening my ears and I gripped the pipe harder. My knuckles turned white as I gripped it, and I swung, every muscle in my body behind that swing, and I smashed the hell out of every fucking screen that was in that room. One. Two. Fucking six and seven.

Every single one of them.

As the glass sprayed my body, some falling to my hair, it dusted over my body and the ground. But I kept swinging until every damn piece of glass had been shattered.

And then I turned and walked out, a smug smile crossed my face as I left the room. When the door clicked shut, the lights clicked off, like poetry and I was quickly out of the warehouse and moving back over the field, knowing I’d resolved some of my anger behind.

Calmly, I walked up to the car and moved to the front seat.

Tray was in the driver’s seat and I saw his eyebrows rise slightly at my appearance. The shattered glass had become a second coating on my body, but it didn’t cut. Nothing cut anymore.

Without a single word spoken between us, Tray drove us back to his home.

I gave him the cellphone and the flash drive before I went and showered.

I had turned off. My body was on automatic and my mind was on pause, resting. I don’t know, I didn’t really give a shit. All I

knew was that I was in simmering mode, ever since I decided to trash that fucking room.

An hour later, fully washed, each piece of glass had been swept up and deposited in a plastic bag, I walked into the kitchen and saw Tray lounging on the counter.
