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“Fuck you!”

“You can check that off the list!”

I hated him. I really, really hated him, but I tried a different way. “We know how to break into that school. I already did it once, I can do it again.”




“Tray, come on.”

Neither of us heard the doorbell because Tray turned and snapped, “I said no, Taryn! We got nothing. I’d hoped for a little more than a fucking empty warehouse, but that’s what Jace gave us. He’s one step ahead of us. He knows we broke in and didn’t get anything. My guess is that it’s what he wanted all along. That was the entire purpose of the fucking warehouse, of Grayley’s car being ditched and fuck—probably even the cell phone.”

“The phone was underneath a floor tile, I don’t think it had been strategically placed.” I retorted.

“Um…hey guys.”

Props had not chosen his timing well because both of us turned and glared at him.

Props gulped and scurried into the library.

“It doesn’t matter, Taryn. You’re not leaving because I know you’ll go to the school and that’s not going to happen. Not yet, anyway.”


“I don’t know,” he muttered, cursing under his breath.

“They have my best friend.” I said quietly. “I don’t want to go to his funeral.”

“You won’t.”

“You can’t promise me that.”

“Then stop making me say shit like that!” Tray snapped. “You were two seconds away from running out. What do you think would happen if you got in that school and you found Grayley?”

“I would’ve gotten him out.”

“No. You would’ve gotten killed because I can guarantee that he wouldn’t be alone. You may be able to do a lot of shit, but some stuff you just can’t. That’s just how it is, Taryn.”

“I am sick and tired of you—”

“What the hell is this?!” Tray shouted. “You’re cold before and now you’re looking for someone to take it out on? I got picked because I won’t let you get yourself killed? Is that what this is about?”

“Shut up.”

“You said that you wouldn’t make a move without my say-so. I’m not giving it now. I run this show, Taryn. There’s a reason why you put me in charge. So just let me do this and I’m saying—now is not the time to go running to Jace for a confrontation. If the car was purposely put there and he wanted that warehouse empty…it’s to get you to come to him. That’s exactly what he wants and I’m saying no. We go in on our terms, not his.”


“Hey ho!”

“What the fuck is this? A fucking nightclub?!” I shrieked. Add infantile tantrum to my resume, I’d ceased caring.

But Gentley and Trent walked in, glancing between the two of us.

Whistling softly, Gentley taunted, “Trouble in paradise?”
