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“Just shut up! Okay.”

So I growled. It was the only thing I could do and I didn’t care if it was very unfeminine. I needed an outlet.

Tray chose that moment to chuckle.

Grayley slid a wary look towards him. He shifted away. “You’re Evans.” It wasn’t a question.

Tray leaned against my locker, his hands in his pockets, and gave one of those too-cool half-grins. “Yeah.”

They studied each other for a good minute—or that’s what it seemed like.

“Okay!” I exclaimed. “Stop it.”

Tray chuckled again.

Grayley grinned, slightly relaxing.

“I’ll…I have something to take care of and then I’ll go to the hospital. Promise,” I said, holding my hands in mock surrender. “Promise.”

He studied me for a good minute, before he gave me back my keys. As I swept them from him, he said lightly, “Cops are watching Brian 24/7 so stay away. You’ll just get in trouble.”

“Fine,” I said tightly. It killed me to say it, but I had to. I had to tell the truth. I didn’t lie—well, I did—but I tried not to lie to Grayley. And he knew that.

It was enough because Grayley visibly relaxed. “Okay.” He sighed. He glanced at Tray and stuck out his hand. “I’m Grayley. Idiot, here, doesn’t have the social skills to do introductions.”

“Shut up.” I flipped him off.

“Tray.” Tray shook his hand, hip-checking me at the same time, which earned him a grin from Grayley.

Searching my face, Grayley said, “Cool?”

“Yeah.” I sighed in resignation.

“Good.” He turned and walked out.

“I like him,” Tray announced, waiting as I opened my locker. Once it was opened, he reached inside for my textbook.

“Excuse me.”

“I got it. Let’s go.” He sent me a blinding smile. There was that instant warmth—fucking hormones.

He dropped me off at my fifth period class. Of course, the teacher lectured me for a good two minutes before she let me slink into the only empty chair. Which, again, was right in front of Justin Travers. Sasha Klinnleys was, luckily, not on his lap this time.

I expected him to say something, but surprisingly, he was quiet.

I was alarmingly disappointed. I’d hoped to be distracted this period.


Seventh period turned out to be torturous. Molly was blushing every other second, for which I was to blame. She kept glancing at Tray, who in turn was watching us. Or—watching me. But I hadn’t had the heart to tell her. How do you burst someone’s bubble in the beginning of a possible new friendship? Well, apparently it wasn’t going to work out with me and Molly.

Maybe I could help Larkins out. Although, Molly seemed adamant about not wanting Larkins around, until she’d paired him up with me.

Fucking drama.

Luckily, I was saved from further awkwardness when our teacher paired each table with another one. Groups of four for small group discussion. Molly and I got paired off with Sasha Klinnleys and Devon.

No luck on the save from awkwardness.
