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“Who do you mean?”

“That guy. He doesn’t go here. I’d know if he went here—he’s too hot to miss. I think I’ve seen him at Rickets’ House.”


“Why?” I asked tightly.

“Because he’s hot.”

“And he’s unavailable. To you.”

“I’ve got a friend.”

“Set her up with someone else.”

Sasha smiled, almost maliciously. “So,” she leaned forward, “this must be someone you care

about. I mean, you won’t even tell me his name.”

“And you’ve got a snowball’s chance in hell with him.”

“Please. He checked me out. I think this snowball might have a chance.”

“I’m thinking your chair is a little wobbly. Don’t you?” I returned sweetly. Fuck. I wasn’t sweet so I said, “If you really want to try, he hangs out at the Seven8.”

“Taryn,” Tray murmured in my ear, a warning. Glancing over my shoulder, I realized he must’ve been listening in the whole time, and looking over his entire table, realized that they all had been listening. Including the two tables on our other sides.


Apparently Tray didn’t like the idea of sending one of his ‘kind’ to the Seven8.

I sighed. “Just kidding. He doesn’t go there.”

“What’s his name?” Sasha tried again.

This had been fun and all, but enough was enough. I fixed her with a piercing glare. “If you want to try and go against me on this, go ahead. You won’t be the one standing at the end.”

The smug grin had been wiped clean from her face.

I added, “He’s family and I’ll do anything to protect what’s mine.”

“Okay, class!” the teacher exclaimed, calling us back to attention. “Let’s hear what your groups each had to say.”

Devon and Sasha turned back to their table while Molly busied herself with her book. I sighed. I actually hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but better it’s better she find out now, rather than later.

The rest of class passed uneventfully. Devon made up a bunch of shit for our group. It was almost as if he didn’t want me to speak. Huh. Wonder why.

As the bell rang, I stood up and moved out the door.

At least I’d been distracted from my legal worries for a while.

But not anymore. Now, I had to save my ass.

I dumped my books in my locker and grabbed my purse.

“Hey,” Molly spoke up hesitantly, shifting on her feet.

