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Chapter 1 New Job, Old Flame

Finally, I’ve got a job doing what I do best, office work. I studied typing and shorthand at the local college and have been looking for the perfect job ever since. I’ve been working in the university store since I left school, but I’ve been trying to improve my job prospects, for ages. It’s not that I didn't like my old job, I got to meet lots of locals, many I know by first name now, but I had more ambition than simply being a store girl. I decided to stay in my home town and the university was the only place with jobs, at that point in time. Being patient paid off, and now I’m working in a Real Estate office, not too exciting, but it’s a growing trade in this town. As the population expands, so does the building of new homes. I’m only a clerk, but there’s room for promotion at my age, and I am ambitious.

Lots of the kids at my school left this mountainous region for jobs in the cities, but not me. I have a lovely family and just couldn’t bring myself to leave mom, especially when we lost dad soon after I’d finished school, but it was expected after his long illness. He would have been proud of me, staying with mom to help bring up my younger siblings. I suppose that was why I stuck at a mundane job, it meant I could help mom with the income.

Now, I’m on more money and I feel ambitious. In my early twenties, with family problems easing off, I may even get my own place, after all I do work in Real Estate.

You can imagine how excited I am on my first day, and everyone in the office welcomes me. I think I’m going to like it here. At first I felt a bit shy, but having worked as a cashier in a shop does get you talking to people you don’t know, even if most of them were students. Anyway, it’s not long before I’m chatting with my new colleagues and enjoying being part of the team. I work at the front of house which means, once I’m settled, I will get to cover for reception duties. Maya, the full time Receptionist, said she will train me up fully and was glad that at last she would have some one to help ease the load. They hadn’t had a trainee for at least two years, because business had been bleak, but with the latest increase in construction, it has created this opening, which is great for me.

My tasks, to start with, are a bit mundane, but I expected that, so I wasn’t surprised that I ended up spending the first few days filing. Tomorrow I’ll get my own login for the computer and the real work will begin. I was deep in thought, placing records in alphabetical order, when a familiar voice broke my concentration. I turned around and there stood before me is an old flame, Matthew, and wow, he’s matured into a handsome looking guy. We split up because he went off to study and I stayed behind. Now he’s back and I like the look of what I see. He always was a big guy, tall, broad chest, wide shoulders, and he seems to have filled out even more since I last saw him. Couple that with his handsome features of a broad mouth with full lips, and sparkling blue eyes, makes him one handsome hunk.

“Hello, Matthew Ogata, fancy bumping into you after all these years,” I said, keen to make myself known by him.

The look of surprise on his face was classic.

“Leah Parker, wow, look at you now,” giving me an admiring glance before pulling me into a friendly embrace.

“Yeah,” I said, “I think we’ve both grown up a bit. You’re even taller.”

“And you,” he said, making a female shape with his hands, “you’ve gotten all curvaceous.”

I could feel the heat rise in my face at his compliment, all I could do was giggle in embarrassment. Way to go Leah Parker, I thought to myself, he must think me a provincial hick, who hasn't developed since he last saw me.

“Are you the new Office Trainee?” he asked.

“Yep, that’s me. I didn’t do much after school ‘cos of my pa. We lost him not much after. But now, my little sisters are all grown up and my ma told me to do something with my life. So. Here I am.”

“Yeah, here you are and it’s good to see you, and I’m really sorry about your dad,” he said, looking genuinely upset. He didn’t know my pa that well, but they did meet on occasion.

I felt a little pang of sorrow at the memories of my pa, at that particular time in my life, but, I have to say also, that I felt quite excited at seeing this guy in his classy office suit. I wonder if we could pick up where we left off? I hoped he might ask me out to catch up on old times, but he didn’t. Turns out he has his own office as he’s Senior Management here. I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my mom who I bumped into today. You never know, if I play my cards right we might end up dating again?

Chapter 2 A Broken Heart

My first week passes by so quickly, with so much to learn and new people to meet. I don’t get to see much of Matthew, but when we bump into each other, he’s always pleasant to me. I really must try and get some time alone with him, so we can talk more on a personal level.

We have a small room at the back, for staff to sit and have their lunch, if they want to escape their desk. It’s also the place to make coffee. One day I’m sat there eating my lunch and he comes in to pour coffee from the coffee pot. I was so pleased when he spotted me and came and sat with me.

“How you settling in?” he asked.

“I love it. I’m going on a course for the computer software, so I’d say I’m learning the ropes. You did okay for yourself anyway, Matthew,” I said, meaning it in a kind way.

“I worked hard, but I always wanted to come back to the mountains. I missed the air and I often wondered why you stopped writing to me?” he asked.
