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I felt good that he remembered that.

“It was a bit hard at first, what with my pa. I needed to get out to work and when I was home I had to help my mom with the kids, so we had a few hard years,” I try to explain.

“You know that you broke my heart,” he said, surprising me. “Because of you I wouldn’t date anyone for ages. You should have told me, it would only have taken a letter.”

“I know, but I suppose I was so wrapped up in my own world, and I was a bit mad at you for leaving, I think,” I said, feeling a little confused at our old and renewed friendship.

“Look, we need to catch up with each other,” he suggested. “Let’s meet up some time, away from work. We have a lot to talk about.”

He got up left, but he’d said I’d broken his heart, I took that as a let’s pick up where we left off, kind of offer. This is so exciting. I still fancy him like mad and him being Senior Management can only help my new career no end. Not that that’s the reason I want to see him again, he’s turned out to be a hunky, muscular kinda guy. I bet he works out at the gym, he just reeks of masculinity and male hormones, I’d love to mix that with my female hormones.

As a few days pass by, he makes no effort to pick up

on his offer, so I decide I’d best encourage him. He’d always been a quiet, shy kind of guy, so maybe he simply needed a little prodding so he’d know that I’m still interested in his company. It’s time to take risks, great big ones. Risks must be done if I want to win this guy back again. I have no idea what I’ll do, just yet, but something will come to me, I’m sort of an impulsive type of person, who makes decisions on the hoof, so eventually something will come in my head, and I’ll just do it.

Chapter 3 My Think on the Spot Trick

One morning I was delivering the mail and I purposely saved Matthew’s for last, to see if I could catch him alone in his office. When I got to his office he wasn’t there, so I placed the mail on his desk. It was a huge antique desk that dominated the room, beautifully stained wood that must have many a tale to tell. There were two drawer sections on either side and in the middle a cavernous gap, easily large enough to fit a person in comfortably. I could hear Matthew’s voice approaching and a wicked thought came to mind. Quickly, I dipped down and hid in the recess of the desk. Matthew entered the office, talking on his cell, and sat at the desk. I remained calm and still as I knelt there. He was sat slightly back from the edge of the desk with his legs splayed as he talked on the phone, and completely oblivious to the fact that I was underneath his desk and almost between his legs.

Why I had hid under here, what was I thinking? He might be an old boyfriend but I could get sacked for this. I was beginning to think this was a very bad idea and that was compounded even further when he slid his chair closer to the desk, almost touching me with his legs. Fortunately, it was a wide recess and his legs were open wide, but the chair had pushed me as far back as I could go, and his legs were either side of me with my face was only inches from his crotch.

I had a strange feeling rush over me, one that I hadn't felt in a long time and I realised with some surprise that it was lust. Here I was trapped under a desk, possible sacked if discovered but all that was running through my mind was how close my face was to this mans crotch. He pants were pressed quite tight from the sitting position and I could quite clear see the outline of his cock. I felt a little tremor between my legs which rippled through all the erogenous zones in my body.

He was still talking on his cellphone, so I stayed quiet, not wanting to interrupt his call, it was probably business. Chatting away, as he sat at his desk, I remained calm and still, but I didn't feel very calm. With shaky hands I reached out and lightly stroked that bulge that was right in front of my nose.

“I cannot sanctify the loan, Mister Quinzi, it’s a simple…” he stuttered and looked down at my upturned face, shocked, yet making no attempt to stop me.

Matthew’s voice droned on with his customer, and I, feeling bolder, rub at the lump under my hand, which has grown considerably bigger.

Empowered by my boldness, I unfasten his belt and the button at the waist band, all the time Matthew is staring down at me while talking to the customer on the phone. His face seems impassive, but I see a glint of mischief in his eyes, as if daring me to continue.

Well, girl, I think to myself, you've come this far. I find the zipper and slowly start to pull it down, until his flies are completely open, and I push it open to uncover his boxers. That’s not what catches my attention, the front of the dark red boxers are pushed out, as his enormous erection is straining against the fabric.

I lean my face forward slightly and touch my nose on the bulge, and breath in deeply, hmm, male smell, no false fragrance here. The real smell a man, musky and masculine, but still clean. I breath deeply, taking in his odor, my body shudders with pleasure.

I have a real deep urge now to see his manhood in the flesh, to touch it and stroke it. So, I reach under the elastic of his boxers and pull them down, releasing his erection. Once free, it springs out and slaps against my forehead and I give a little naughty giggle, leaving it there, lying on my bare skin, just above my nose. His scrotum, hairy and pendulous, is almost touching my lips. His muskiness is even more powerful now, and I breath in deeply to draw in all his masculine scent.

Unable to contain myself any longer, I move my head forward slightly and start to kiss between his legs. My lips gently caress against his hairy scrotum, occasionally I flick my tongue out and run it across his flesh. As I look up at him to search for a reaction, I see his face is completely impassive, he’s in total control of his emotions. I’m beginning to see that as a bit of a challenge and I wonder how far I have to go to get some reaction from him

“Mister Quinzi, I will not change my mind…”

There was a definite quiver in his voice then, but I’m impressed at how he still manages to hold a normal conversation with this Quinzi guy, while I nuzzle into his crotch. His voice goes quiet, strange I never noticed him saying goodbye to his caller. He looks down at me and I brazenly stare back at him.

“If I didn’t know you better, young lady, I’d think you were after a promotion?” he says, smiling at me before moving my head away from his crotch.

I was a little disappointed that my game had come to an end. My whole body was a quiver with sexual tension and I could feel the warmth between my legs. I believe that if he had let me, I would have been happy to blow him, right under his desk, right there and then. Like I said, I think on the spot.

“Come on,” he says, while zipping his flies back up. “I need to talk to you.”

I wiggle from my knees and out of the confined space, straightening my skirt in the process. As he looks at me, I hand him his post.

“I came in to give you your mail,” I say, with a smile.

“Look, this is not best done at work, so let’s meet up,”

“I would love that. You’re not going to report me are you?” I ask, playfully.

“Of course not” he replies, smiling, but with a serious look on his face.
