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They had to. Not just for practical reasons but for Gabriel’s sake.

‘You must give him the chance. If you make this choice for him now, he may never forgive you for it.’

Leo hesitated, glancing at Alessia, who nodded.

‘Very well. Ask the gardener to find some torches, they’ll be in the garage somewhere. Tell Gabriel what’s happened and let him make his decision. We’ll meet you where the path runs along the top of the cliff.’

It can’t have been easy for him, but Leo had done the right thing. As he began to usher the women back down the path, Clara turned and ran for the house.

* * *

He’d thought that he’d made it clear he wanted to be alone. But when Clara burst into his room, breathless from running, Gabriel knew that something was wrong.

‘What is it?’

‘Two of the women your mother was with this afternoon went back to the cave and the tide’s in now and they’re trapped. Your father and mother have gone to the borehole to see if there’s a way in through there.’

Cold fear curled in his stomach. ‘They think it’ll be possible to get in that way?’

‘I don’t know. Your father says it’s the only chance and he asked me to tell you—’

‘Tell me what? To stay here?’ His own voice seemed to be coming from somewhere far away, and it had bitterness in it.

‘To make your own decision, Gabriel. I’m going back now to help them, the gardener’s fetching me some torches from the garage and I need the first-aid kit as well. If I can make it into the cave through the borehole...’

Somehow his heart found the courage to propel him to his feet. ‘I’ll get the first-aid kit, it’s in the kitchen. You might like to get changed.’

She met him in the kitchen, no longer wearing her summer dress but a pair of jeans with a sweatshirt and trainers. Together they hurried to the garage, where the elderly gardener was waiting with the torches. Gabriel hunted amongst the boxes at the back, and found

what he was looking for.

‘What’s in there?’ Clara picked up the torches and the first-aid kit as he slung the large, zipped bag over his shoulder.

‘It’s my cousin’s climbing equipment.’

‘How long has it been in storage here?’ Clara frowned at him as they hurried from the garage, towards the cliff path.

‘Only since last month. My father taught us both to climb when we were teenagers and he still comes down here a couple of times every summer to take on the cliffs further down the coast. He’s very careful about his equipment so the ropes will be fine.’

Clara gave him a tight smile. ‘That’s my way down, then.’

‘Your way down?’ His mouth was suddenly dry. Gabriel knew what he had to do, there was no decision to be made. But that didn’t mean he had to like it.

‘Well, your mother and father aren’t going down there, that’s for sure.’

‘I know how to climb, and I’m a doctor. I’m the obvious choice...’ He tried to sound nonchalant about it and failed miserably.

She didn’t slacken her pace, but he felt Clara’s hand on his arm. ‘No one can ask that of you, Gabriel. It’s too much.’

‘Clara, don’t make me argue with you, because I can’t say this more than once. If you’re set on going down there, that’s up to you, but I’m coming with you.’

‘Can’t keep you away, can I?’ She pursed her lips, looking up at him. ‘Your parents are going to kill me. But, okay, if you feel you can do it when we get there, we’ll go together.’

* * *

The borehole was situated some way back from the cliff path, in a dip in the ground. A low stone wall encircled it, and Gabriel could see his father fumbling with the combination of the last padlock, which secured a heavy metal grille across the top. His mother and her friend were watching, holding each other’s hands.

His father tried to heave the grille open but it was too heavy for him. Gabriel hurried down the incline, dumping the bag and taking hold of the other side of the grille.
