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‘You’ve already asked me a hundred times. I thought I’d try a different answer and see how that went.’ Zack patted the pocket of his morning suit. ‘I’ve got the ring.’

‘Don’t do that to me, Zack.’ Alex tried to frown, but today wasn’t the day for it. ‘You’re supposed to be a calming influence, not frightening me to death.’

Zack’s laughing reply was lost in the swelling sound of the organ as it struck up the ‘Wedding March’. Alex turned and saw Marie and his heart leapt into his throat. He was marrying the most beautiful woman in the world.

Her dress was the simplest part of her attire, the soft lines complementing the riot of flowers in her bouquet. The Amour de Coeur hung at her throat, its sparkle dimmed by her smile.

‘You’re sure about this?’ Zack leaned over, whispering in his ear. ‘You’ve still got time to run...’

‘Be quiet, Zack. Of course I’m sure.’

* * *

The day had been wonderful—one delight after another: the warmth of family and friends, the way Marie had looked at him as they said their vows... Marie was the most precious thing in his life, and he knew she felt the same about him.

Their reception had taken place back at the home Alex had thought he would never return to, which Marie had made into the place he loved most in the world. Zack had come up with a surprisingly short but touching speech, blushing wildly as he’d sat down to a round of hearty applause.

‘I’m so happy, Alex. I love you so much.’ Marie whispered in his ear now, as they danced together.

‘I love you too.’

That was all he needed to say. It made everything complete. His life and hers were woven together now, and it was a bond that couldn’t be broken.

He led her over to the table where their ten oldest friends were sitting with their families. Hugs and kisses were exchanged, and Sunita whispered in Marie’s ear.

She laughed, her fingers moving to the Amour de Coeur. ‘Yes, it’s real.’

Sunita’s eyes widened, and Will laughed. ‘It’s your own fault, Sunita. If you will insist on marrying a farmer and burying yourself in the countryside, then you’re going to miss some of the gossip. Don’t you read the papers? We’re in the presence of royalty.’

‘You’re joking! I knew I should have come last night and not this morning. Which one of you is it?’

Alex chuckled. ‘Well, technically speaking, it’s both of us now. But actually I’m just Marie’s loyal and faithful servant.’

‘Stop it.’ Marie’s elbow found his ribs. ‘Let’s drink a toast, and then Alex will tell the story.’

There were two toasts—the usual one ‘to us all’, and one to the bride and groom. Then Marie sat down next to him.

‘Start at the beginning.’

He rolled his eyes. ‘Again?’

The story had already been told more than once.

‘That’s okay. I’ll hear it again.’

Will settled himself in his chair and Alex realised that everyone around the table was looking at him.

Marie took his hand, squeezing it. This was no longer his story, it was theirs, and he loved it more each day. They’d rewritten it as a tale of hope—one which would endure in the bricks and mortar of the clinics they planned to build and run, and in the family they’d raise here.

‘A hundred and ten years ago...’

* * *
