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The invitation to spend a weekend on the royal yacht had been given again, and this time Nell had accepted it straight away. If his admission that he felt no woman would want the life he offered her was horribly sad, it also neatly let Nell off the hook. There were no expectations from him, and she could match that by allowing no expectations to infiltrate her own thinking.

They set off early. As they crossed the border into France, the sun came out and Hugo retracted the roof of his convertible. A warm breeze and a handsome prince beside her.

As they approached the motorway, Nell took over the driving, and Hugo lounged in the front seat of the car, enjoying the journey. Dressed in a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt, his short hair ruffled in the breeze, he seemed to finally be getting it into his head that they were on holiday.

It was almost midday when they reached the small, bustling French port where the yacht was moored. Hugo took his place at the wheel again, negotiating the narrow streets of the old town, before driving along the quayside and into the marina.

He drew up alongside a young man in pristine white shorts, with the name of Montarino’s royal yacht sewn across the sleeve of his white shirt. He stepped forward, opening the passenger door of the car before Nell could reach for the handle.

Hugo gave him an affable grin. ‘Thank you, Louis. How are you?’

‘Well, Your Highness. It’s good to see you.’

Hugo got out of the car, taking a draught of sea air into his lungs, as if it felt easier to breathe here. ‘It’s very good to be back. How are your studies going?’

‘I’ve just been sitting my exams. They went well, I think.’

Hugo nodded, tossing the car keys to Louis. ‘Let me know when you get your results.’

‘Will do, Your Highness.’ Louis got into the car, driving it towards the car park, leaving Nell and Hugo standing on the quayside.

‘Which one is it?’ Nell surveyed the boats moored around the marina. Smaller yachts were tied up against the piers, which extended out into the water, and larger ones were anchored further out.

‘That one.’ Hugo pointed towards one of the yachts. It wasn’t the largest of the boats there, but it seemed the most elegant, glistening white, and bobbing gracefully on an azure sea.

‘It’s beautiful. How do we get to it?’

He grinned. ‘This way.’

Another man in the same uniform as Louis’s helped her down into a motor launch. She looked around for her luggage, but it didn’t seem that they were going to be waiting for that. As soon as Hugo was on board, the engine was started and they began to speed way from the land.

‘This is wonderful.’ Hugo’s arm was slung across the back of the seat and she had to move a little closer to him, so that he could hear her over the noise of the engine. ‘I already feel spoiled.’

‘That’s exactly how you’re meant to feel.’ Hugo’s lips brushed against her ear.

She was helped up a set of steps onto the deck of the yacht, Hugo following. Waiting for her was a man who bore the word ‘Captain’ on the sleeve of his shirt.

‘Welcome, Dr Maitland.’ H

e stepped forward, holding out his hand. ‘I’m Captain Masson.’

‘Thank you.’ Nell shook his hand, looking around her. The yacht looked just as white and gleaming close up as it had from the land. ‘This is a beautiful vessel.’

‘Thank you, ma’am.’ Captain Masson beamed at her. ‘Where would you like to go?’

Nell turned to Hugo and he shrugged. ‘Your call. We can dock somewhere for a little shopping. Or if you prefer swimming there are some nice places to stop off.’

Nell thought for a moment. It seemed a little bit of a waste to spend time shopping and swimming when she could enjoy being here on the yacht. ‘The sea. I’d like to go...somewhere on the sea if that’s all right?’

‘A short trip along the coast perhaps, ma’am?’

‘Yes, I’d like that.’ Nell glanced at Hugo, wondering if that was what he’d had in mind.

‘That’s an excellent idea. Thank you, Captain Masson.’ Hugo smiled.

‘Very well. We’ll be on our way very soon, we just have to wait for your luggage. In the meantime, drinks have been laid out on the main deck.’

The captain gestured to his right, and Nell took a couple of uncertain steps in that direction. She felt Hugo take her arm and followed his lead, walking towards a short flight of stairs that led up onto a deck, shaded by awnings and dappled by the sun.
