Page 33 of Savannah's Secrets

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They lay in silence, enjoying the warmth and comfort of each other’s bodies. Savoring everything they’d just shared.

As he drifted to sleep, his only thought was the need to keep Savannah in his bed.


Savannah had awakened in Blake’s arms for the second morning in a row. At least last night they hadn’t made the mistake of falling asleep without discarding the condom, as they had the night before. To make matters worse, her birth control pills were at her apartment. She hadn’t taken them for the past three days.

What if you’re…?

Her heart beat furiously whenever she considered the possibility. So she couldn’t allow herself to consider it. Not even for a moment.

When Blake received notice that the bridge had reopened, she was relieved. Blake had taken her to pick up her car, and she’d followed him in his truck back across the river.

Her time with Blake had been amazing, but it was a weekend fling. Two people confined together in a storm.

Shit happened.

That didn’t make them a couple.

Yet Blake believed they could be more than a fling.

Savannah pulled into the parking lot behind her apartment building and got out of her car, wishing the circumstances were different.

She tugged down the hem of the too-tight, wrinkled rayon dress, ruined the night of the storm. She approached Blake, who leaned against the truck, waiting for her.

“I appreciate your insistence on seeing me home.” She scanned the parking lot and a nearby street, which was a main thoroughfare in town. “But I think I’m good now.”

“Don’t worry. I’m maintaining my distance.” His tone was laced with irritation. “But I know the history of this building.” He nodded toward it. “It flooded during storms like this a few times before. Kayleigh needs a new roof, but she can’t afford one and she’s too damned stubborn to let my brother Cole fix it for her.”

“Fine.” She glanced around again. “But remember—”

“You’re just an employee. Got it.” He narrowed his gaze, his jaw tight. Blake headed toward the back entrance that led to her apartment, without letting her finish.

If he wanted to be that way…fine. It would absolve her of the guilt she might have felt when she finally exposed the Abbotts for who they really were.

She unlocked the main door, and Blake trailed her up the stairs to her apartment.

“Kayleigh’s done a good job with the place.” He glanced around the small space. The entire apartment was probably smaller than his great room.

“It’s not a house on the lake with mountain views, but it’s home.” Savannah closed the door behind him and dropped her bags on the sofa.

“You think I’d look down on you because you have a smaller place?” Blake’s brows furrowed. “Is that why you keep trying to push me away?”

Savannah didn’t respond.

“You can’t convince me this weekend didn’t mean anything to you.”

Savannah’s throat tightened and her lungs constricted. “I thought I’d been clear. I’m not looking for a relationship. That would cause problems for both of us.”

“I’m not saying we should run out and tell the world.”

“You don’t want your family and friends to know you’re slumming it.”

“I never said that.” The vein in his neck pulsed. He raked his fingers through his hair. “You’re purposely being combative.”

“But it’s the truth.” She sank onto the sofa. “Besides, I doubt that Iris Abbott would want any of her precious boys to fall under the spell of some poor girl from the wrong side of the river.”

Blake shoved aside the magazines on the coffee table and sat in front of her. He lifted her chin, forcing her gaze to meet his. “You don’t really believe that.”

“Because you know me so well.” She pulled free of his grip.

“I know you better than you think. I know your fears, what turns you on…” He leaned in closer, his voice low. “I know how to satisfy you in ways no one else has.”

Blake was too close. He was taking up all of the air in the room, making it difficult for her to breathe.

“So what?” She shrugged. “You haven’t known me long. Maybe you wouldn’t like me if you really knew me.”

He leaned in closer, his gaze softer. “That’s something I’d like to find out for myself.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Why is getting to know me so important to you? Most men would be content with a no-strings weekend.” She forced a laugh. “You don’t even have to pretend you’re going to call.”
