Page 37 of Savannah's Secrets

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“I’ll be there around six.”

Blake groaned in relief as his mother left.

His weekend with Savannah made him realize that his feelings for her were deeper than he’d imagined. Savannah evidently had feelings for him, too. Yet she was hesitant to explore them.

If she found out what his mother knew, it would only spook her. She’d pull away again.

Blake returned to his desk and discarded the email to Savannah. He could handle his mother, and what Savannah didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.


Savannah pulled her car into Blake’s garage and parked, as he’d requested. She’d spent the previous weekend at his place out of necessity. But this was a deliberate decision.

She’d crossed the line and the guilt bored a hole in her gut. Savannah could only imagine what Laney would say, if she knew.

Her sister would be gravely disappointed in her.

But she hadn’t slept with Blake as part of some grand scheme to elicit information from him. What had happened was precipitated by the very real feelings that had been developing between them.

But didn’t that make what she was doing worse?

She was giving him hope. Making him believe something could come of the game they were playing. Only Blake had no idea he was playing a game.

Savannah got out of her car, her hands shaking.

This was a mistake. I should go.

Blake stepped into the garage, a dish towel thrown over one shoulder. He seemed to know she was grappling with the decision to come inside.

His welcoming smile assured her everything would be okay.

“Hey.” He took her bag and kissed her cheek.

“Hey.” She slipped her hand into his and let him lead her inside. The house smelled like roasted vegetables and baked goods. “Are you sure this is a good idea? Your sister or one of your brothers could pop by at any—”

Blake set the bag on the floor and pulled her into a kiss that ended her objections. Her heart raced and warmth filled her body.

She forgot all the reasons she shouldn’t be there as she tumbled into a morass of feelings she might never be able to escape.

A buzzer sounded in the kitchen. Blake reluctantly suspended their kiss.

“We’ll finish this later.” He gave her a lingering kiss before removing a pie from the oven.

“Smells delicious. What kind of pie is it?”

“Strawberry rhubarb.” He removed his oven mitts. “Hope you like it.”

He remembered.

“You made it?”

“It’s my first one.” He grinned. “So I want you to be brutally honest. If it tastes like crap, don’t pull any punches. It’s the only way I’ll learn to make it the way you like it.”

“You did this for me?”

“Why else?” Blake tugged her against him and kissed her again.

It was just a silly little pie. So why was she so moved by the gesture?

Because Blake cared about what she wanted. About what was important to her.

And all she cared about was getting revenge for her grandfather and hurting his family in the process.

She pulled away, tears burning her eyes.

Blake cupped her cheek. “Did I do something wrong?”

“No.” Savannah’s neck and face tingled with heat. She swiped away warm tears and forced a smile. “Anyone ever tell you you’re a little too perfect?”

“No.” He chuckled, then kissed her again. “Certainly not any of my siblings.”

“Brothers and sisters are there to rein us in when we get a little too big for our britches.”

“At that, they excel.” Blake grinned. “But they’re also there when I need someone to help me get my head back on straight. Or to remind me that things aren’t as bad as they seem.” He moved to the counter and uncovered the steaks. “I imagine you and your sister do that for each other, too.”

“Laney does her best to keep me on the straight and narrow. Doesn’t always work, but she tries.”

“And what about you?”

“I’m the pit bull.” Savannah sat at the counter, watching him prep the steaks. “Even when our parents were still alive, it was my job to protect my sister.” She swallowed past the thickness in her throat. “It still is. Even when it requires me to make difficult choices.”

“Like what?” He held her gaze.

Savannah’s heart felt heavy. It was a lead weight pulling her beneath the sea of guilt washing over her. Blake’s reaction to learning the truth flashed in her head. Would he be hurt or angry? Probably both.

He’d regret the day he laid eyes on her.

She’d always anticipated that the day she finally vindicated her grandfather would be the happiest day of her life. Now she could only envision heartbreak and pain.
