Page 44 of Savannah's Secrets

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Joseph Abbott rubbed his forehead, finally raising his gaze to hers.

“Forgive me, Miss Carlisle. I’m afraid this lovely affair has been a bit too much excitement for an old man like me after my travels yesterday.”

“But, Mr. Abbott—”

“Please, excuse me.” The old man nodded his goodbye, then made his way across the room to where Duke and Iris stood.

Savannah’s belly clenched and her hands shook. She’d been so close to learning the truth. To getting the information she needed to change her family’s fortune.

She’d pushed too hard and spooked the old man. Now he’d never tell her the truth. Worse, there was a wary look in his eye before he’d fled. As if he’d seen her intentions.

Joseph Abbott wouldn’t tell her anything more.

Savannah wiped away the hot tears that leaked from her eyes. Giving up wasn’t an option. Not when she was this close. She’d find another way.

Her phone buzzed. It was a text message from Laney.

Did you get my previous text?

Laney knew how important the gala was to her. She’d obviously forgotten this was the night of the event. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have expected a timely reply.

Savannah scrolled up the message chain.

It’s been two months. Give up and come home. I feel icky lying to Gramps. Giving you one week. Won’t do it anymore.

If her grandfather learned what she’d been doing, he’d insist that she stop putting herself at risk by working in what he referred to as “a den of hyenas.”

Just when she was so close to finding answers.

Savannah quickly typed a reply.

Please think about what you’ll be doing, Laney. I’m so close. Nearly got Joseph Abbott to admit everything just moments ago.

Savannah stared at her phone, as if that would make Laney’s response come any faster.

Another alert came.

Two weeks. No more.

Savannah huffed. That didn’t give her much time, but two weeks was better than one.

It was time to beat the Abbotts at their own game. She’d have the same level of callous disregard for them as Joseph Abbott had for her grandfather. She’d be as ruthless as Duke Abbott had been when he’d acquired Kayleigh Jemison’s family property for a song.

She’d do whatever it took to resolve the issue once and for all.

Even if the truth would hurt Blake.


Blake stood at the window in his office, watching as a gentle breeze stirred the water on the lake. He shut his eyes for a moment, but it made no difference.

Eyes wide open or tightly shut, Savannah Carlisle had taken up residence in his head.

Blake groaned and returned to his chair. He finished his third cup of coffee and scrolled through his emails.

He’d made a couple of phone calls and answered a few emails. Otherwise, he’d gotten very little done. Instead, he’d been rehashing Laney’s text message to Savannah. He imagined a dozen different scenarios her message could have alluded to. None of them good.

Blake picked up his desk phone to call Savannah. She’d been avoiding him since the night of the gala, more than a week before. And she’d made every excuse imaginable for why she couldn’t come to his place.

Regardless of the consequences, they had to have this conversation. He’d confess to reading the text message and demand an explanation.

The door to his office burst open.

Blake hung up the phone. “Parker, don’t you ever knock?”

His brother slipped into a chair on the other side of his desk, not acknowledging his complaint. “We need to talk.”

“About what?”

“About whom,” Parker corrected him. “Savannah.”

Blake’s spine stiffened and the muscles in his back tensed. He took another gulp of his coffee and shrugged. “What about her?”

“I’m concerned.”


Parker leaned forward, his voice lowered. “She’s been asking a lot of questions.”

“She’s inquisitive. That’s her nature.” Blake had expected Parker to let him have it with both barrels over his affair with Savannah. “I’d say it’s served us well.”

Parker stood and paced. “It has when she’s used it for us, not against us.”

Blake sat on the edge of his desk. “What are you talking about?”

“She’s been asking a lot of questions about our company. About how it got started and whether Gramps ever had a partner. Why is she suddenly so interested?”

“She works here.” An uneasy feeling crawled up Blake’s spine. Still, he folded his arms and shrugged. “That information could be useful as she prepares for the remaining jubilee events and news coverage.”

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