Page 50 of Savannah's Secrets

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“But why? What did they hope to gain?” Blake racked his brain for a reason.


Blake rubbed at his throbbing temples. Savannah was clever and resourceful. If she’d come to work for them with a plan to sabotage the distillery and its reputation, there were any number of ways she could’ve done it. Yet she hadn’t. Why?

“If sabotage was their aim, they’re playing the long game. Because everything Savannah has done since she’s been working for us has boosted our sales and gotten us good press.”

“Hmm…that’s difficult to explain.” Max leaned back in his chair and perched his chin on his fist. “Guess there’s only one way to find out exactly why she came here.”

“You want me to talk to Savannah?”

“If you can’t handle it…no problem.” Max shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m sure Parker would be happy to do it.”

“No.” Blake shot to his feet, then cursed silently when Max chuckled. He sighed. “You knew I wouldn’t let Parker do it.”

“You care for Savannah, and she obviously cares for you. Maybe you can turn up that charm you think you have and get some straight answers from her.”

Blake sank into his chair again and blew out a long, slow breath. He’d spent the past two days trying to scrub every happy memory of Savannah Carlisle from his brain.

It was an abysmal failure.

Her laugh and broad smile crept into his daydreams. At night, he’d been tormented by memories of her body—naked, in all its glory. Her gentle touch. The sound she made when she was close. The way she’d called his name.

Blake had cared deeply for Savannah. He’d been willing to break the rules for her. But she’d used him and was ready to toss him aside, while he’d been prepared to give her his heart.

“Look, I don’t know what’s been going on with you two.” Max’s voice stirred Blake from his thoughts. “Frankly, I don’t need to know. But if talking to Savannah would be too difficult for you, it’s okay. I’ll talk to her.”

“No.” Blake’s objection was much softer this time. “I’ll try to get the truth out of her.”

“Sorry things didn’t work out.” Max clapped a hand on his shoulder. “We all liked Savannah. Even Parker, in his own way. That’s why he’s so angry.”

“Thanks, Max. I’ll let you know what I find out.”

When Max left, Blake loosened his top button and heaved a sigh. He was ready to face Savannah again. Only this time, he was the one who held all the cards.


Savannah sat on the edge of the tub, rooted to the same spot she’d been in for the past ten minutes. She’d taken three different pregnancy tests. Each had given her the same answer.

I’m pregnant.

Savannah got up and stood in front of the mirror, staring at her image. Red, puffy eyes. Hair pulled into a frizzy, low ponytail.

She looked a hot mess, had no job and had let down everyone who cared about her. Her grandfather, Laney, Harper and Blake.

Now she was growing a human being inside of her. A tiny little person for whom she’d be responsible.

Savannah braced her hands against the sink, her head throbbing and her knees unsteady.

I’m going to be a mother.

Being a parent wasn’t something Savannah had ever really considered. Not the way Laney had. Yet the moment she’d seen the word Pregnant on that third test, she knew instantly she wanted this baby.

Suddenly, nothing was more important than her child. And there was one thing Savannah knew for sure. She’d never use this child as leverage against Blake and his family.

She’d tell Blake about the baby, because he deserved to know. But only once a doctor had confirmed the test results.

She owed Blake the truth. And she owed her child the chance to know its father—if that was what Blake wanted.

After Savannah called her sister to relay the news, she stared at the phone in her hand. She wished she could call Blake and tell him they were going to be parents. And that he’d be genuinely happy about it.

She decided to call her grandfather instead. She wouldn’t tell him where she’d really been or about the baby. Not until she was 100 percent sure. But she needed the comfort of hearing his voice.

Still, she couldn’t help thinking about her grandfather’s reaction when he learned the identity of his great-grandchild’s father.

How do I explain this to him?

Savannah screwed her eyes shut. Her grandfather would be hurt and angry. Of all the men in the world, she’d chosen to make a child with an Abbott.

His mortal enemies.

Savannah wiped angrily at the tears that wouldn’t stop falling. No matter how much the truth would hurt her grandfather, she wouldn’t lie.
