Page 59 of Savannah's Secrets

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“That changes everything, Grandpa. How could you not tell me that?” Savannah stood, her hand to her mouth. No wonder Blake thought they were crooks, trying to get one over on his family. “What happened to the money?”

His eyes didn’t meet hers. “I had terrible drinking and gambling habits back then. Within a year, I’d gone through it all.”

Savannah dropped into the seat again, too weak to stand. She’d risked everything based on a lie. A lie that led her to a man and a career she loved, but then had cruelly snatched them away.

“How could you let me believe all this time that you’d been cheated by the Abbotts?” Her body vibrated with anger.

“I may not have told you the entire truth, Vanna. But I did feel I’d been cheated. Joe didn’t pay me my fair share. Then when he went on to make a fortune off formulas I helped create…” He sighed and shook his head.

Savannah was furious with her grandfather. And miserable over losing Blake.

“Do you have any idea what I’ve done to try and make things right for you? How much I’ve lost?”

“Laney told me.” Her grandfather’s eyes were shiny. He clutched her hand. “And I’m so sorry, dumplin’. To you and to the Abbotts. It was easier to blame them than to admit I’d chosen unwisely. That I’d only thought in the short term when I accepted that lump sum from Joe rather than being patient.”

Savannah cradled her forehead in her palm, her lips pressed together to repress the scream building inside.

“I had no idea you’d take my words to heart, Savannah. That you’d act on them. You and your sister and little Harper… You mean everything to me. I couldn’t protect your mama, but I’ve done everything I could to look after the two of you. I didn’t want you to see me as a horrible failure. A man that never amounted to much of nothing.”

“I never thought that, Grandpa. If it wasn’t for you taking us in…who knows what might’ve become of Laney and me?”

“Still, what I done wasn’t right, and I’m ashamed.”

They were both silent for a moment. Savannah narrowed her gaze at her grandfather. “You still haven’t explained what you’re doing here in Knoxville.”

“Joe Abbott.”

“You talked to him?”

“He came to West Virginia to see me, a few days ago. Told me everything about you, about his grandson…and about the baby.”

“You know about the baby?”

“I do. And I’m sorry about the split between you and the Abbott boy.”

“Why? You always said not to trust an Abbott any farther than I can throw one.” She folded her hands. “If Joe Abbott cheated you out of a fair price for your share of the partnership, that only proves you were right.”

“We both made mistakes back then, but I’ve compounded them by misleading you.” Martin ran his free hand over his head. “And maybe Joe wasn’t fair then, but he’s making it up to me…to all of us, Savannah.”

“What do you mean?”

A slow smiled curved the edge of his mouth. “I mean you did it, honey. Joseph Abbott and his family are giving us a stake in King’s Finest. Not half, of course. But he’s giving me a five percent stake in the company and he wrote me a check outright.”

“For what?” Savannah couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Surely it was a dream.

Her grandfather dug a piece of paper out of his wallet and handed it to her. She unfolded it and read it twice. It was a check for $1.5 million.

“Is this real?”

“Yes.” He smiled, tears in his eyes as he cradled either side of her face and kissed her forehead. “I can’t believe the chance you took for me. Or Joe’s generosity. He brought me here on his dime to see if I’d be a good candidate for the therapy program they’re conducting.”

“That’s incredible, Grandpa. I’m really happy for you.” Savannah handed him back the check. She forced a smile, but tears brimmed, spilling down her cheeks.

She’d gotten everything she wanted for her grandfather and lost everything she never knew she wanted for herself. Her job with the Abbotts, her relationship with Blake, a chance for them to be a family.

“I’m glad Joseph Abbott is a decent man after all.” Savannah wiped away the tears.

“I don’t think that’s why he did this at all.” He folded the check and returned it to his wallet.

“Then why?”

“He did it for your beau, Blake. And for you.” A smile softened her grandfather’s face.

“Me? We only met once. Why would he care about doing anything for me?”
