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“You nervous?” Coop asks me.

I shrug. “Everything about my life makes me nervous. I hear someone say my name and I’m afraid to turn around, or they ask if I read something online and I’m afraid to look, because I don’t want to see what people are saying about me. The stuff I have read is bullshit. Everyone is concerned with the victim and assumes that I’ve done something wrong.” I down my water, wishing it were something stronger.

“It’ll work out,” Cooper tells me.

“And if it doesn’t?” I say as Cooper and I both turn and look at Stone, who is immersed in conversation with Branch.

“I’m trying to remain optimistic for you. Hell, you helped me with Ainsley. I’m only trying to return the favor.”

I can’t help but laugh. “I didn’t do shit when it came to Ainsley except give you a hard time.”

“You didn’t chase after her, and that says a lot to me about a person.”

Putting my arm around Cooper, I pull him into a headlock and rub my knuckles on his head. “That’s the one thing I’ll never do—touch a teammate’s girl.”

“But others are fair game?” he asks.

“I suppose,” I say, shrugging. “Maybe that’s my problem.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

I follow Cooper down the few steps and take a seat one away from him and Ainsley. I don’t want to intrude on their date night and don’t mind being a loner for the evening. We stand for the national anthem when Hadley’s name is announced. We all scream loudly for her, and Ainsley lets out a whistle that makes us all cower and cover our ears.

As soon as the puck drops, the sound of Saylor’s voice catches my attention. I turn around to find her being greeted by Stone. Lucy is with her, and when she sees me, she comes running.

“Travis,” she says as her tiny arms wrap around me in the fiercest hug I have ever had, and one that I needed desperately.

“What are you guys doing here?”

“Dunno. Mom said we were coming to hockey, and you are here.”

“Well, I’m happy you’re here,” I tell her as I pull her into my lap. I start talking to her about the game, explaining how hockey works.

“But you don’t play this one?”

“Nope, only baseball.”

“But why?” she asks, putting her hands up.


, because when I was your age, hockey wasn’t an option for me. And I don’t know how to skate.”

“I do,” she says, turning in my lap. “I will teach you.”

“I would like that, Lucy. Hey, do you want to meet my friends?”

“Okay, sure.”

I turn her on my lap to face Cooper and Ainsley and introduce them to her. I also add that Ainsley has two babies at home, and Lucy asks if she can go see them. Of course I tell her yes, because I’m going to do whatever I can to spend time with her and her mother.

Halfway through the first period, Saylor joins us down in front. I know that I have to remain professional, but man if I don’t want to reach for her hand or place a kiss on her sweet lips.

“Glad you could make it.”

She smiles and leans toward me. The attempt is subtle, but I notice it. “I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea or not.”
