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“And, Travis, do you promise to be the coolest, most amazing father to Lucy, and when boys start asking her out on dates, do you promise to show them your barbed-wire baseball bat?” I cover my mouth to stifle my giggles.

“Hell yes,” he says through laughter. Everyone in the church roars. I knew this wouldn’t be serious. Nothing can be when Travis Kidd is in the room.

“The rings, please.”

Travis lets go of my hand and turns to Ethan. They exchange words as I watch, realizing that I didn’t even consider getting Travis a ring. The thought never crossed my mind that he would want one. The soft tap on my shoulder has me turning around, and Daisy hands me a band.

“Oh, thank you.”

“Lucy, can you please step forward?” the minister requests. My eyes go wide as Travis gets down on his knee in front of Lucy.

“Lucy, I would like you to accept this token of my friendship, love, and intent to be not only your friend, but also your stepfather, as well as your protector.” I watch as Travis puts a chain around her neck.

“What does the K mean?” she asks.

“K is for Kidd. We may not share the same last name, but you’re a Kidd to me.”

Daisy hands me a tissue as Lucy wraps her arms around Travis’s neck. “I told you that you’re good for him,” she whispers in my ear. When he stands, he has tears in his eyes, and Lucy is now standing next to him. He reaches for my hand and slowly slides the matching wedding band onto my finger.

“I promise to give you my everything, every single day. With this ring, I thee wed.”

“Oh, wow,” I say, trying to gain my composure. Of course, our guests aren’t making it any easier on me. Every woman in the church is crying, and the men are all clearing their throats, because we all know they’re too macho to cry.

Travis holds his hand out, waiting for his ring. The sight makes me chuckle. I grab his calloused hand and slide the ring halfway, stopping only to look at him. “I promise to be the voice of reason, your backbone when you are struggling, and the wife you need, every single day. With this ring, I thee wed.”

“By the power vested in me by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Travis, you may kiss your bride.”



While kissing Saylor, all I can think is, Holy nipple sniffer, I am fucking married! This woman, the one I’m holding with both my hands, is my wife. She’s going to kick my ass when I need it, love me when I don’t deserve it, and be my constant when I need her the most. She may think I’m doing her a favor, but that is so far from the truth. When I’m with her, it’s the only time I feel like I can be me. Saylor is the only woman I’ve let in, and thankfully she’s mine forever now.

“Let me be the first to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Travis Kidd,” the minister says, effectively pulling me away from Saylor. It’s time to cash in my man card, because hearing him introduce us like that really makes me fucking happy.

I grab her hand and raise ours together as everyone starts cheering for us. When the music starts, we step toward the aisle, but not before I reach for Lucy’s hand. Together, as a family, we walk to the front of the church, with our impromptu wedding party following behind.

“Pop the cork,” Cooper yells as we enter the small eating space that the church has. There’s a quick succession of popping champagne corks that echoes over the voices of my friends congratulating us as the guests filter into the room. The moms worked tirelessly to make sure the room was decorated and that we’d have a cake for today. The guys were in charge of the booze. I figured they should get the easiest job. And the wives made sure we’d have food.

“I can’t believe you did all of this on such short notice,” Saylor says as she leans into me.

My arm wraps around her as I nuzzle her neck. “I wanted today to be special.”

“It is—thank you.”

Ainsley hands us flutes of champagne, and that prompts me to say something about today. “I want to make a toast.” I raise my glass high and wait for everyone to focus on me. “To my wife, daughter, and new mother and to all of our friends and my parents—thank you for being here today with us. I know you’re busy with your own families, and it’s a holiday, so I appreciate you coming on such short notice.”

“Here, here,” Ethan yells out as most of us clank our glasses together. As far as a reception goes, this is it. Tonight we have the Rotary gala that we’ll be attending, and it marks two years from when Saylor and I hooked up. I’ve thought about reminding her of the day and the significance, but it’s also the day that she wound up in trouble. Honestly, some things are better left unsaid.

I see my parents making their way toward us, both eager to meet Saylor. They flew in early yesterday morning, and my mom has been doing everything she could to make today go off without any complications, along with Norma.

“Beautiful ceremony,” my mom says as she kisses me on the cheek.

“Thank you for everything, Mom. Allow me to introduce you to Saylor, my wife.” I’m looking at Saylor when I finish my sentence to gauge her reaction. I know she’s had cold feet, and I wondered if she would show up today. She’s not very good at hiding her feelings from her facial expression.

“Saylor, these are my parents, Terry and Tonya Kidd.”

She steps out of my hold and hugs my father first, then my mother. “It’s so great to meet you,” she says before grabbing my mother by the hands. “And thank you for letting me borrow this exquisite necklace.”
