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“Keeping my cum inside you.”

She threw an arm over her eyes, chest still heaving. Her tits were distracting as fuck, and my supposedly used up dick was already waking again. “That’s not necessary, is it?”

“Can’t be too careful.”

“Good to the last drop,” she muttered, and I laughed.



I’d just let a guy come inside me, and he was now out in the receptionist’s area, discussing lunch with his secretary.

He had a secretary. The guy I’d just fucked to make a baby.

A baby, for God’s sake, when I wasn’t even entirely sure how to make Eggs Benedict. That logic didn’t fully track, but it did for me. I had cum running down my thighs—so much for your legs up trick, Hamilton—and the dude I’d banged like a drum was ordering me a salami sub. Sweet, really, since it was my favorite.

Holy crap, I had to get out of here. First, I had to get to a bathroom.

My gaze swung wildly around the office. Spotting a closed door, I let out a breath. Of course he had a private bathroom. I bent to gather my discarded dress. Not panties, since they were destroyed. Good thing they were a Walmart special and not La Perla. Not that I actually owned any La Perla, but—

Panic babbling had officially overtaken my brain. I wasn’t as weirded out by this whole thing as I was the first time we’d had sex—God, we were on multiples now—but the addition of procreation followed by shared salami definitely was upping the strange factor.

I needed to get cleaned up and get out so I could think without those sexy chocolate brown eyes unraveling me. Was that so much to ask?

After tugging up my dress and tying the straps behind my neck, I reached for my purse and cleaned up as quickly as I could with the single tiny tissue—fine, cocktail napkin—inside. Then I carefully walked on my tiptoes to the bathroom, more to remain as tidy as possible than to hide my escape. Tiptoeing wasn’t particularly easy in heeled sandals, but I was used to a number of foot tricks to distract myself from long hours waiting on tables. Prancing sideways to that closed door like a polo pony, however, was a new one.

I grabbed the doorknob and ducked inside, shutting my eyes on a grateful breath. Even having another door between us was a relief. Harder for him to work his magic on me through multiple layers of wood.

Then I opened my eyes and discovered the supposed bathroom was a dusty storage closet.


No private bathroom meant I had to leave the office and slip down the hall. Which might not be so bad if Shelly wasn’t at her desk, but since he’d been talking to someone out there, chances were good it was her. And oh my Lord, the humiliation. She had to have heard everything Seth and I had done. We weren’t exactly quiet. I’d tried to be, but this was all new to me and I guess good sex meant making a lot of noise. Then again, maybe it was just as Seth had said—he didn’t mind if others heard. Was that his kink?

The depositing-his-cum-inside-me thing definitely seemed like another one, even if it did have an established end purpose. Still, did he have to relish it quite so much?

I rubbed my forehead. Okay, time to think. I still needed a bathroom, and I wanted some air, and I was also hungry, according to the roar currently emanating from my stomach.

Oh, lookie there, that window led to the fire escape. Score. Of course there was the small matter of my still slightly damp thighs, but delicate steps.

Forget the walk of shame. I’d patent the matching tiptoe.

I crossed the room, dodging boxes and miscellaneous paper goods, and stopped at the window. The fire escape snaked down the side of the building. Perfect. I could slip around Barb’s Bakery and into the alley, then cross the street and cover the short distance to the diner.

Where I would finish cleaning up, fold up this beautiful dress, and put on the spare uniform in my locker so I could get to work. Day off or no day off, I needed some normalcy in my life. Routine. A way to keep my hands and my mind occupied.

My spine prickled and I gripped the window, pausing long enough to haul in a breath. Maybe I shouldn’t do this. I couldn’t keep running out on the guy. Though this wasn’t that, precisely. I just needed to work. To figure out why I’d had sex with my best friend twice and was now trying to have a baby with him, without happening to mention the pesky fact that oh, I’d been in love with him forever.

No big.

That wasn’t all that relevant anyway. We were having sex, weren’t we? I’d never even expected to have that much with him. Any last flickers of hope in that direction, small and rare as they were, had been stomped out when he’d married Marj. Even after they’d divorced, that hope hadn’t returned. I was nothing if not pragmatic, and Seth and I worked as friends. Lovers were something else entirely.

But we seemed to be working there too. At least physically. Though that was pretty much a key-in-lock situation.

I shoved up the window. Yeah, I had to get out of here.

Gingerly, I climbed out, adjusting my dress as I went, and turned to push the window back down. I hurried down the surprisingly sturdy metal steps, sure everyone in town could see my midday flight. At the bottom of the steps, I realized I didn’t have my purse. Fuck. I’d just have to come back for it later. There was no way Seth wasn’t back in the office now. Besides, I lived with Sage and she would have a key. There was nothing I needed urgently in my purse. I rarely used my cell phone and I’d walked over to Seth’s from the loft so my car keys were still in our apartment. Other than a spare tampon, breath mints, and my wallet that contained a slim ten singles, my emergency credit card, and driver’s license, the bag was empty.

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