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“Can we not talk about my sister-in-law’s virginity? Unless your goal is to kill my erection, and if so, aim achieved.”

Her big green eyes sparkled as she circled her bottom on my lap, just enough to have me stifling a curse. “Not even close.”


But her gaze had taken on that faraway look again. “My parents too. My daddy always said the first time he saw my mama, he knew she was the one for him. They met in grade school. Isn’t that romantic?”

“Your mama looks just like you, so I believe it.”

Sage blinked and tilted her head, considering me in a way that made my skin prickle. “You can be sweet. I see now why you get so many women to go to bed with you. I have to admit, I didn’t understand the appeal before.”

There was no stopping my laughter this time. “Say exactly what you mean, why don’t you?”

“Did you sleep with Ursula last night?”

I hadn’t been expecting that one. “You knew about our date?”

“Of course. You know how big Crescent Cove is. And you’re a mover and a shaker.”

Lord, this woman. But for some reason, I was inexplicably glad I could tell her that I’d spent last night alone.

Not because I wanted to influence her or convince her that I was a decent guy, one like Seth.

Worthy of being a big-time love.

Impossible. Me? I was the kind of man a woman mentioned in passing in her diary.

Skilled lover. Made a mean balsamic salmon. Didn’t call after second date.

“No, I didn’t sleep with her. We canceled our date.” I kept my gaze trained on hers. “We’ve actually never slept together.”

“No way.”

“Yes way.”

“No way.”

I had to chuckle. “No, we have not. Trust me. I was there.”

“But she’s beautiful. Poised.” She sighed wistfully. “She has game.”


Now it was her turn to laugh. “Guess your knowledge of pop culture isn’t as complete as you believe. No, silly. I mean, she has skills. Game at attracting the opposite sex. Talent at keeping them interested.”

“Just in case you’ve forgotten, you’re sitting on a man’s lap right now.” I glanced down between us. “And I can verify he’s very interested. Painfully so.”

“You aren’t shy. You’ve never asked me out.”

“You haven’t asked me either.”

She sniffed. “That’s usually the man’s job.” She sighed again. “Especially if the woman is a big ol’ coward. Besides, we fight all the time.”

“So? Fighting is foreplay.”

“Is it?” She cocked her head again. “Is that what I’ve been doing wrong all this time?”

“Listen to me. You have done nothing wrong. You’re perfect just as you are. Any man who can’t see that is blind or stupid or both.”
