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Clearly, it was taking a toll. She needed more rest. A real night off that didn’t just consist of fucking me—as obviously amazing as that had to be.

Well, it was. I had my gifts. Being a braggart meant some inflation of the truth. My skills as a lover were legendary. At least in my own mind.

Maybe I’d write that in her diary. Okay, no, I wouldn’t look in it. That wouldn’t be kosher. But I could slip a note inside without reading anything. She would smile at the very least.

Fuck, I needed to see her smile.

Or I could write her a note here and now. Why put it off? Ally was right that Sage wasn’t herself, if only because she was tired.

I hoped it was only because she was tired, and not creeping dissatisfaction with—

“Yo bro. You alive?” Seth pointed at me. “You’re almost as bad as Sage lately. Think you need to cool it with all the late nights. I know you’ve been trying to bring in lots of new business with springtime coming up. It’s appreciated, especially with the kid coming, and God knows I’ve been distracted.” He raked a hand over his hair.

It was longer than mine, as usual, and he’d been growing in a short beard to go with it. I was back to my typical clean-shaven appearance after that one day in Vegas.

What I wouldn’t do for Sage. It was disturbing. And even as I had the thought, I was digging through my wallet for a piece of paper to use.

You’re whipped. Pureed. Practically mashed baby peas.

Babies every-damn-where.

“Sorry.” I yanked out a piece of paper. It was a receipt, but I could make it work. “Remembered a call I had to make to Jeff Connors when I get back to the office.”

Ah hell, I’d forgotten I was meeting with Connors today. Sometimes lies came in handy.

Slippery slope there, Hamilton.

“See what I mean?” Seth shook his head. “This isn’t like you, man. You’ve always been a workaholic, but you used to balance it with a healthy social life too.”

“I’ve turned to internet porn.”

Ally braced a hand on her belly. “A keyboard is a shallow substitute for human interaction.”

“You haven’t seen everything that Shyla Rabbit can do.” Neither had I, in fact. I only knew her name from an ad I’d happened upon one night.

She did seem to be well…rounded.

“I’m serious. What happened with you and Ursula? I thought you two had something going.”

“Something.” I dug out my ballpoint pen from the inside pocket of my jacket.

“It’s over then?” Ally sighed. “Your love life is like watching a season of The Bachelor, except you hand out roses all year long every year.”

“Did it ever occur to you that you both spend far too much time concerning yourselves with Sage’s business? And my business? Is that part of being happily married? Suddenly you feel the urge to make everyone hate you with your know-it-all, smug behavior.”

Seth appeared nonplussed. “Whenever he speaks more than two sentences in a row, he’s wound up. Wound up means struck a nerve.” He tapped his chin. “Did Ursula break

things off?”

I was going to have to go into the john to be allowed to write this damn note. Not to mention, Beavis and Mrs. Butthead were watching my every move. They probably thought I planned to slip my number to Jean.

Luckily, Ally excused herself to the ladies’ room and Seth was much easier to distract. Especially when he was in counselor mode, sure he’d zeroed in on the source of my malcontent.

“You know, you don’t have to act tough with me. It’s not as if I don’t get it. Shit, you saw me all messed up when Ally stopped talking to me.”

“I certainly did. I also recall interceding in that situation and ultimately helping you.”

“You did.” Seth cracked his knuckles. “I’m not sure she would’ve been ready to hear me out if you hadn’t gone to the cabin.”
