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Sage’s laughter drifted to our table and I tapped my cheek. Hmm. The cabin. That held some possibilities.

Especially since tomorrow was that most complicated of occasions for a new relationship.

Valentine’s Day, aka a new lover’s Waterloo if the right tone wasn’t struck.

“That’s exactly right. I intervened and you had a positive outcome.” I raised my brows. “I’d appreciate it if you helped me now and then.”


Like, oh, by not forcing the best relationship I’d ever had underground with his and his wife’s well-intentioned prying ways. But since I couldn’t ask for that, I’d request the next best thing.

“Stop pushing.”

“With you or Sage?”

“Why should I care what you say or do about her?” Even saying it burned my tongue. I cared far too much. “But since you’ve put it out there, then yes. Both of us. Give us space. I’m sure she’d love it as well. Not that I have any way of knowing. At all.”

Laying it on a bit thick there, huh?

Seth nodded. “Yeah. I guess we’ve been going overboard lately.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Sorry about that, bro. It’s only because we care. And—”

“And because you’re so happily coupled up, you want everyone else in the world to be too. I know.”

Seth scratched his chin. “No, that’s not it at all with Sage. I think Ally is more concerned about Sage finding someone, to be honest. She tends to fall fast, and most men aren’t worthy of her love. She’s worried she’ll be hurt again.”

“She won’t be, all right?”

“How do you know?”

Very good question. Now I was an expert on love and romance?

I pressed the point of my pen into the paper. I’d managed a few disjointed words and started to fold the paper into a shape before I caught myself. An old habit held over from prep school when I was bored in class.

Evidently, it also served as my response when my brother was doing his best FBI stare as he tried to probe into my admittedly screwed-up brain.

But instead of unfolding the shape, I let muscle memory take over. It wasn’t quite the right size for the origami bird. Close enough. Maybe she’d be amused enough to at least open it.

Just to be safe, I scrawled open me on the bird’s beak and tucked it in my pocket.

My brother’s eyebrows fused together. “Did you just write open me on a note to yourself? Folded like an origami swan?”

“Sometimes I do origami for fun,” I said at length. “Don’t always remember to open the notes. Anyway, wonder where Ally is?”

Seth looked over his shoulder. “Hmm, should I go check on her? It’s so close to the baby being born.”

“Yes.” I nodded emphatically. “You should definitely go do that.”

While he was otherwise occupied, I would snag Sage for a moment.

“Be right back.” He slid halfway across the seat and glanced back at me. “You know you want a piece of this action. Being a father means worrying every other minute of the day. Add in a wife and…Jesus.” He huffed out a breath.

My neck tightened. “Yet you wanted a second child.”

“I did, and it was the best decision I ever made, other than marrying Ally. Finally. Took long enough there, huh?” He grinned. “Let’s hope the twin thing doesn’t kick in there for you.”

I couldn’t help shuddering as he climbed out of the booth and walked away.

A father. Me. Who could even fathom such madness? It was almost as crazy as imagining myself a husband. Even watching Seth settle down hadn’t spurred the same desire in me. At least not consciously. I had my niece and soon-to-be nephew and that seemed like plenty.
